


The Tab uses the latest version of Android, and it generally worked very smoothly, even though Google has warned that Android isn't yet ready for tablets. I was especially impressed with Samsung's attractive and usable rewrites of the calendar, email and contacts apps, which, like their iPad cousins, use multiple panels to make them more computer-like, while still remaining touch-friendly.

Galaxy Tab使用最新的安卓系统。虽然谷歌说安卓系统对平板计算机的兼容性还不够好,但总的来说运行起来很顺畅。三星公司重新编写过的日历、电子邮件和联系人应用程序很有吸引力,使用方便,令我印象深刻。这些软件和iPad上的应用程序一样,都使用多面板设计来增加计算机软件的感觉,同时保留了触摸功能的友好界面。

I found the Web browser to be a bit jerky in zooming into text and scrolling through long pages. I tested several Adobe Flash videos and websites written in Flash. Sometimes they played and sometimes they didn't. In all cases, they slowed the browser down. On one site written in Flash, I got a warningsaying I might want to 'abort' lest the computer become 'unresponsive.' In another case, the Tab crashed. So I conclude that while the Tab does play Flash, it needs work on that score.

我觉得Galaxy Tab的上网浏览有点不太顺畅,要放大字体,频繁翻页。我测试了Adobe Flash视频和用Flash程序编写的网站,有时候能播放,有时候不行,但每次都会让浏览功能变慢起来。在浏览一个Flash网站时,屏幕上跳出一个警告,建议我中止任务,以免计算机变得没有反应。还有一次,Galaxy Tab直接崩溃了。因此我得出一个结论,Galaxy Tab确实能播放Flash,但还有不少改进工作要做。

I downloaded a few third-party apps. I couldn't find any that were rewritten with extra features for tablets, nor any way to discover these in the Android Market. Some of my downloaded apps scaled fine to tablet size. Others were surrounded by large black bars.

我下载了一些第三方应用程序,但都不是为平板计算机重新编写并新增功能的软件,在安卓市场(Android Market)也没办法找到。我下载的一些程序能调整到平板计算机的尺寸,其它几个程序则被很大的黑色边框包围着。

Cellular pricing


On an iPad, if you opt for cellular-data service, there is no contract and only two monthly prices -- $14.99 for 250 megabytes and $25 for 2 gigabytes. On the Tab, it's much more complicated. Verizon, which is selling only the $600 no-contract model, says its pricing will start at $20 a month for 1 gigabyte of data. Sprint charges $29.99 monthly for 2 gigabytes and $59.99 for 5 gigabytes. T-Mobile has different prices for no-contract and contract models, and different rates for new and existing customers. Just two examples: a new customer under contract on a Tab can pay $30 monthly for 200 megabytes or $50 for 5 gigabytes.

在iPad上,如果你想要蜂窝数据服务,没有合约,只有两个包月套餐──14.99美元包250M流量,25美元包2G流量。Galaxy Tab的资费更多样。只销售600美元非签约版的Verizon表示,其蜂窝数据定价为每月20美元包1G流量起。Sprint每月29.99美元包2G流量,59.99美元包5G流量。T-Mobile的非签约版和签约版Galaxy Tab售价不一样,对新客户和老客户的资费也不一样;举两个例子,签约新客户每月付30美元包200M流量,或50美元包5G流量。

So, I urge Tab buyers to do the math carefully on the overall cost of the device under various carriers and plans.

因此,我建议Galaxy Tab的购买者仔细计算选用不同运营商和资费计划的整体使用成本。

Bottom Line


The Tab is attractive, versatile and competitively priced, though monthly cell fees can add up. It's different enough from the iPad, yet good enough, to give consumers a real choice.

Galaxy Tab的外型吸引人,功能丰富,价格具有竞争力,不过每月的资费不低。它与iPad的区别足够大,而且质量不凡,给消费者提供了一个真正意义上的新选择。

Walter S. Mossberg
