  • Where does she work now

  • style="background: white; line-height: 18.75pt">(6). You can infer that Wong- Staal A. didn't want to become a scientist B. is happy she becomes a research scientist C. plans to retire soon 3. Write about the following two questions in your journal. (1). Wong- Staal says that there are frustrations in research. What do you think she means? What frustrations might there be in doing research? How would you deal with these frustrations? (2). Wong- Staal says that here teachers decided she should become a scientist. Do you think teachers should make career choices for their students? Why or why not? style="background: white; line-height: 18.75pt">Period 5 Language study style="background: white; line-height: 18.75pt">Learning Aims style="background: white; line-height: 18.75pt">Enable students to have a better knowledge of the rules of word-formation. style="background: white; margin: 13pt 0cm; line-height: 18.75pt">Learning Proceduresstyle="background: white; margin: 13pt 0cm; line-height: 18.75pt">Step 1 Warming upstyle="background: white; line-height: 18.75pt">Daily report: Show your opinions about the two problems mentioned in the reading passage. Individual work Show a tongue twister to students: If one doctor doctors another doctor, does the doctor who doctors the doctor doctor the doctor the way the doctor he is doctoring? Or does he doctor the doctor the way the doctor who doctors doctors? Practise the tongue twister for some times and see who can say it correctly and fast. Q: Do all "doctors" in this sentence have the same meaning? Conclusion: The meaning of the same word varies in different sentences and so does the gender. style="background: white; margin: 13pt 0cm; line-height: 18.75pt">Step 2 Reading and thinkingstyle="background: white; line-height: 18.75pt">1). Pair work Read the following sentences to distinguish the different meanings of the same word. style="background: white; line-height: 18.75pt">How much do you charge for repairing my CD player? The frightened animal charged into the toy shop. It usually takes one hour to get my call phone fully charged. The man was charged for being irresponsible for the job in the court. We gave her the charge of the house when we were away for holiday. What is the charge for using the hall? style="background: white; line-height: 18.75pt"> style="background: white; line-height: 18.75pt">The guide conducted the tourists around the museum. How well does this material conduct electricity or heat? The concert on this Saturday evening will be conducted by a world famous conductor. The teacher scolded him because of his bad conduct. The manager conducted the business carefully.style="background: white; line-height: 18.75pt"> style="background: white; line-height: 18.75pt">He was surprise to see so many crosses marked in his Maths homework. This fruit is a cross between an apple an d appear. The river was too deep to cross. The two main roads cross in the center of the town. He crossed his name off the list. style="background: white; line-height:
    18.75pt">2). Group work Discuss in groups to think about more words of this kind and make sentences according to the different meanings. Then read it out and the other students try to guess the meaning of the same word in different situations. style="background: white; margin: 13pt 0cm; line-height: 18.75pt">Step 3 Imaginationstyle="background: white; line-height: 18.75pt">Group work Show some words on the screen ( such as bank, tie, sharp, tear) . Discuss in groups to make a short story, paying great attention to the different meanings and gender of the same word. Write it down on a card and share it with the whole class. See which group does the best job. style="background: white; margin: 13pt 0cm; line-height: 18.75pt">Step 4 Compound wordsstyle="background: white; line-height: 18.75pt"> Sometimes if we put two different words together, we can make a new one. These words are called "Compound words". Show some examples: Blackboard is compounded with two words: Part 1= a kind of deep color Part 2= a piece of thin wood Show the students the formulation: Part 1 + Part 2 = ? 1). Class work The teacher provide explanations to two single words. Ask the students to combine them together and then guess what the new word is. Repeat it for several groups. Part 1= part of the body used when we talk Part 2= a round thing to play with Part 1= water of ten degrees below zero Part 2= medicine to put on your skin Part 1= a liquid you need to make tea Part 2= moving in snow with wooden thing tied to your shoes 2). Group work Discuss to think of some some compound words in groups and then do the same game with the partners. 3) Class work Have a competition about word guessing and see which team can give the most wonderful performance. Two students to make a team with one facing the blackboard and the other facing all the students. The teacher lists some compound words on the screen. The students facing the Bb explains the two parts of the compound word as quickly and exactly as possible, so that the other one can join the two parts together to guess which word is mentioned. The game is limited in two minutes and then they can find out which team have guessed more words than the others. style="background: white; margin: 13pt 0cm; line-height: 18.75pt">Step 5 Post-learningstyle="background: white; line-height: 18.75pt"> Read the story about "Franklin's famous kite experiment" again , and try to find out all the similar words as those learned in this class. Homework: style="background: white; line-height: 18.75pt">Task 1. Design an exercise to match the words in Column A with those in Column B to make some compound words. Exchange the exercises in class. Task 2. Prepare to make up a story about the relationship of humans and animals in groups and then act the short play out. style="background: white; line-height: 18.75pt"> Period 6 Integrating skills style="background: white; margin: 14pt 0cm 14.5pt; line-height: 18.75pt">Learning Aims style="background: white; line-height: 18.75pt">1. Get the students to have reading extension for scientific experiments. 2. Enable students to write an argumentative essay by
    style="background: white; margin: 13pt 0cm; line-height: 18.75pt">Learning Proceduresstyle="background: white; margin: 13pt 0cm; line-height: 18.75pt">Step 1 warming- upstyle="background: white; line-height: 18.75pt">(1). Class work Daily report: A short play about the relationship between humans and animals. Q: What do you learn from it? (2). Class work Enjoy some pictures about animals killed by humans: Q: Why do people kill so many animals? Can it be avoided? (3). Class work Q: Why do scientists do experiments on animals? What would often be the result? Can it be avoided? style="background: white; margin: 13pt 0cm; line-height: 18.75pt">Step 2 Readingstyle="background: white; line-height: 18.75pt">(1). Individual work Can scientists make experiments on animals to test new products? People have different opinions about the problem. Let's read such a passage now. Q: How many questions are mentioned? ( Does animals testing work? Do people have the right to use animals?) (2). Individual work People are having a heat argument about the problem. And if you were an animal, what do you think would say to humans beings? Prepare to make a short speech and speak it out. (3). Group work As a human being, do you agree with which side? A reporter is very interested in this argument, and he is having an interview with some people. Discuss the problem in groups, one as the reporter to hold the interview, one as a scientist who sticks to testing on animals, one as an activist who is against the idea and the other one tries to make some suggestions and notes. Exchange ideas with each other with the information in the reading material as well as your own opinions. Do the report and share your conclusions with the whole class. (4). Group work It's really difficult for us to judge who is right or wrong. So in order to avoid such an argument, do you have some betters methods to solve problem, especially in the future? Discuss the problem in groups and reach an conclusion. style="background: white; margin: 13pt 0cm; line-height: 18.75pt">Step 3 Writingstyle="background: white; line-height: 18.75pt">(1). Pair work Now it's time for you to write about an argumentative essay on this problem. So what do you think you are going to write about in your essay? Discuss in pairs and show the ideas to the class. (2). Individual work Read the tips carefully to check if you have the same idea.

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    style="border-right: #d4d0c8; padding-right: 0cm; border-top: #d4d0c8; padding-left: 0cm; padding-bottom: 0cm; border-left: #d4d0c8; width: 104.25pt; padding-top: 0cm; border-bottom: #d4d0c8; background-color: transparent" valign="top" width="139"> style="line-height: 180%" align="center">Titlestyle="border-right: #d4d0c8; padding-right: 0cm; border-top: #d4d0c8; padding-left: 0cm; padding-bottom: 0cm; border-left: #d4d0c8; width: 321.75pt; padding-top: 0cm; border-bottom: #d4d0c8; background-color: transparent" valign="top" width="429"> style="line-height: 180%" align="center">Choose a clear Pro or Contra animal testing titlestyle="border-right: #d4d0c8; padding-right: 0cm; border-top: #d4d0c8; padding-left: 0cm; padding-bottom: 0cm; border-left: #d4d0c8; width: 104.25pt; padding-top: 0cm; border-bottom: #d4d0c8; background-color: transparent" valign="top" width="139"> style="line-height: 180%" align="center"> style="line-height: 180%" align="center">Introductionstyle="border-right: #d4d0c8; padding-right: 0cm; border-top: #d4d0c8; padding-left: 0cm; padding-bottom: 0cm; border-left: #d4d0c8; width: 321.75pt; padding-top: 0cm; border-bottom: #d4d0c8; background-color: transparent" valign="top" width="429"> style="line-height: 180%" align="center">Explain for what reasons animals are used in experiments and make clear on which side you are: Is animal testing OK or are you an animal rights activist?style="border-right: #d4d0c8; padding-right: 0cm; border-top: #d4d0c8; padding-left: 0cm; padding-bottom: 0cm; border-left: #d4d0c8; width: 104.25pt; padding-top: 0cm; border-bottom: #d4d0c8; background-color: transparent" valign="top" width="139"> style="line-height: 180%" align="center">Second Paragraph: Arguments Prostyle="border-right: #d4d0c8; padding-right: 0cm; border-top: #d4d0c8; padding-left: 0cm; padding-bottom: 0cm; border-left: #d4d0c8; width: 321.75pt; padding-top: 0cm; border-bottom: #d4d0c8; background-color: transparent" valign="top" width="429"> style="line-height: 180%" align="center">Choose two or three arguments from the reading to support your view, Explain them in your own words: 2-3 pros.style="border-right: #d4d0c8; padding-right: 0cm; border-top: #d4d0c8; padding-left: 0cm; padding-bottom: 0cm; border-left: #d4d0c8; width: 104.25pt; padding-top: 0cm; border-bottom: #d4d0c8; background-color: transparent" valign="top" width="139"> style="line-height: 180%" align="center">Third Paragraph: Arguments Contrastyle="border-right: #d4d0c8; padding-right: 0cm; border-top: #d4d0c8; padding-left: 0cm; padding-bottom: 0cm; border-left: #d4d0c8; width: 321.75pt; padding-top: 0cm; border-bottom: #d4d0c8; background-color: transparent" valign="top" width="429"> style="line-height: 180%" align="center">Choose one or two arguments from the reading that do against your view. Explain them in your own words and show that they are not true: 1-2 consstyle="border-right: #d4d0c8; padding-right: 0cm; border-top: #d4d0c8; padding-left: 0cm; padding-bottom: 0cm; border-left: #d4d0c8; width: 104.25pt; padding-top: 0cm; border-bottom: #d4d0c8; background-color: transparent" valign="top" width="139"> style="line-height: 180%" align="center">Conclusionstyle="border-right: #d4d0c8; padding-right: 0cm; border-top: #d4d0c8; padding-left: 0cm; padding-bottom: 0cm; border-left: #d4d0c8; width: 321.75pt; padding-top: 0cm; border-bottom: #d4d0c8; background-color: transparent" valign="top" width="429"> style="line-height: 180%" align="center">Write what we should do with animals experiments in the future and why.style="background: white; line-height: 18.75pt">(3). Individual work Then Write down your answers to the questions listed in the form one by one. Why are animals used in the experiments? Are you on which side of
    them? Which views do you agree with? Why? Which views don't you agree with? Why? What other ways can you think of to solve the problem in the future? (4). Individual work Join your answers together to make a short passage. Divide them into several different paragraphs according to what you write about in each one. Read it through with your partners to make sure what should be corrected and improved. (5). Class work To make your essay read well, some useful words will help you a lot when your are writing an argumentative one. Read these words carefully, and choose to use some of them in your essay and then read it again to see what has changed.
    style="background: white; line-height: 18.75pt">比较说明常用词语:similarly , the same as, similar to ,equal to, appear the same, both seem to, in the same way, in a similar way, in comparison with share…in common/ have….in common, compare …with…, be compared with, make a comparison between with… there are some similarities between… 对比说明常用词语:nevertheless/nonetheless otherwise, whereas in contrast, on the contrary opposite to…, different from, on the other hand, have little/nothing in common there are some difference between…举例常用词语:for example/instance, as follows, such as, in particular in this case, one example is…and another example is… take ….as an example, the following examples will show that… there are many examples to show that…. 表示总结的常用词语:in a word, generally speaking, in my opinion, to sum up, on the whole , style="background: white; line-height: 18.75pt">Homework: Task 1. Experience the life in your hometown with heart, and find out what people are talking about heatedly. Write them down and choose one to write about. Before writing, interview some people's views about it, and then judge which side you are on. Write a letter to the local government to show your opinions.



    • speaking [´spi:kiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.说话 a.发言的 六级词汇

    • warming [´wɔ:miŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.暖和;加温 四级词汇

    • disagreement [,disə´gri:mənt] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.不一致;争论 六级词汇

    • applied [ə´plaid] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.实用的,应用的 六级词汇

    • compute [kəm´pju:t] 移动到这儿单词发声 v.&n.计算;估计 四级词汇

    • biology [bai´ɔlədʒi] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.生物学,生态学 四级词汇

    • condenser [kən´densə] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.冷凝器;聚光器 六级词汇

    • vinegar [´vinigə] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.醋 四级词汇

    • trying [´traiiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.难堪的;费劲的 四级词汇

    • specialize [´speʃəlaiz] 移动到这儿单词发声 v.成为专家;专攻 四级词汇

    • warning [´wɔ:niŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.警告;前兆 a.预告的 四级词汇

    • primarily [´praimərəli, prai´merəli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.首先;主要地 四级词汇

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