
  九年级英语9A unit5 知识点学案

   1, 我总是幻想着度假,我妈总叫我别做白日梦且现实点。

   I always daydream about the holidays, but my mother asks me to stop daydreaming and be more realistic .

   2, 我给了他忠告,而不是钱。

   I gave him advice instead of money .


   If you cannot go, let him go instead .

   3, 好镜头good take

   take 在这里是名词,表示"电影镜头、电视镜头"

   4, 作好准备等我叫你。

   Stand by until I call you.

   5, 我宁愿当导演。

   I' d rather be a director. = I prefer to be a director.

   6, 冯小刚是中国永远最受欢迎的导演之一。

   Feng Xiao gang is one of China's all-time favourite directors .

   7, 他以勇敢而出名。

   He was known/ well-known/ known for his bravery.

   8, 奥黛丽o赫本是作为一个人道主义者而出名的。

   Audrey Hepburn is famous/ well-known/ known as a humanitarian.

   9, 她很小的时候就上芭蕾舞课了。

   She began taking ballet lessons at a very young age . = when she was very young.

   10, 在她进入电影业之前,她把绝大部分精力都投入到芭蕾舞的训练中。

   She had put most of her effort into ballet training before she entered the film industry.

   11, 在她成为一个商人之前,她一直是个模特。

   She had also been a model before she became a businesswoman.

   12, 当赫本在站台等车时,她碰见了她的老同学。

   while writing at the bus stop ,Hepburn met her old classmate .

   while she was waiting at the bus stop

   13, 都梁写的《亮剑》那篇小说后来被改编成一部剧本。

   The novel 《Liang Jian》wrote by Du Liang was later made into a play.

   14, 张艺谋坚持认为巩俐是那部戏里女主角的最佳人选。

   Zhang Yi mou insisted (that) Gong Li was the perfect girl to play the lead role in the play.

   15, 我一贯主张喝白开水。

   I always insist on drinking the hot water .

   16, 他在这部戏里扮演李尔王这一主角。

   He played the lead role of Lear in the play.

   17, 在教学过程中老师扮演了一个积极引导的角色。

   Teachers play an active role in teaching .

   18, 这个事情标志着赫本成功事业的开始。

   That event marked the beginning of Hepburn's successful career.

   19, 不久以后,她被中去在《白雪公主》中扮演年轻公主这一主角。

   Shortly after , She was chosen to play the lead role of a young princess in the SNOW WHITE .

   不久以后(常用于过去时) shortly after =after a short time

   20, 在她的一生当中,Hepburn还获得了奥斯卡四个提名奖

   During her lifetime , Hepburn earned four more Oscar nominations (another four)

   21, 葛优参演的电影都会获得好多奖且票房也不错 。

   The films Ge You acted in always win a number of awards and earn much money .

   22, 董卿于2000第一次在电视上露面就取得了成功 。

   Dong Qing made his first appearance on TV and it was a great success .

   23, 通过给我们看自然界的美,赫本想要提醒我们应该保护环境

   By showing us the beauty of nature, Hepburn wanted to remind us that we should protect the environment

   = remind us to protect the environment

   24, 奥黛丽的成就并不完全在电影界

   Audrey's achievements went beyond the film industry.

   25, 不仅是他自己而且他妻子也把她的一生奉献给了教育事业。

   Not only he but also his wife devoted her lifetime to teaching .

   26, 我们必须跟富裕国家密切合作来改善环境。

   We must work closely with rich countries to improve the environment .

   27, 因为她在慈善领域里所做的贡献而多次获奖。

   She was honoured with a number of awards because of her efforts in this area

   = was presented with

   28, 她在花园中散了最后一次步,然后就在睡眠中悄然离世了。

   She took her last walk in the garden and then passed away in sleep .

   29, 那个作家被赫本的美丽与魅力深深的吸引住了。

   The writer was attracted by Hepburn's beauty and charm

   30, 在你十岁时北京是什么样子的?

   What was Bei Jing like at the age of 10 .

   31, 这本书适合我这年龄段的人看 。

   This book is suitable for people of my age.

   32, 帅小伙很容易爱上有魅力的女孩,尤其是青少年 。

   It is easy for handsome boys to fall in love with the charming girls , especially teenagers .

   33, 在整个救火过程当中,Tom 起到了很大的作用 。

   Tom played an important role / part in putting out the fire .

   34, 我相信她的演技将来会变得甚至更好

   I believe her acting skills will become even better in the future.

   35, 巩丽被认为是一个富有天赋的女演员

   Gong Li is considered as a talented actress.



   They have planted 200 trees .


   They had planted 200 trees before we arrived.

   by the end of 2000 / when I got there

   38, 他说他在那住了五年了。

   He said he had lived there for 5 years.

   39, 他之所以能做出这么漂亮的工作出来,那是因为他在学校里受到了严格的培训。

   He did good work because he had received strict training at school.

   40, 我从他的脸上可以看出他得到的是坏消息。

   I could see from his face that he had received bad news

   41, 你不应该在上课期间讲话。

   You shouldn't talk to your classmates in class.


   People ought not to drop littercarelessly.


   You 'd better not drop littercarelessly .

   42, 快下雨了,我得走了。

   It is going to rain , I have to/ must go

   43, 你不必过分担心 。

   You do not have to/ need not worry too much .

   44, 游客不允许在公园里喂猴子 。

   Visitors mustn't feed the monkeys in the park .

   Visitors are not allowed to feed the monkeys in the park .

   45, 也许我错了 。

   Maybe / Perhaps I am wrong .



文章标签:英语教案  九年级  九年级英语  初三  知识点