
From Forester to National Teacher of the Year (2/2)

On June first Michael Geisen will begin a year as a spokesman for education. The father of two young children will travel the country and the world.The National Teacher of the Year program, a project of the Council of Chief State School Officers, began in nineteen fifty-two. The winner is chosen from among state teachers of the year.

President George Bush honored this year's top teachers at the White House last week. He noted that in Michael Geisen's first two years as head of the science department, scores on a state science test rose sharply at his school. And they are still rising. The president's education reform law, the No Child Left Behind Act, expanded testing as a way to measure results. But speaking at the White House, the new National Teacher of the Year said children are "not just numbers to be measured."

MICHAEL GEISEN: "Students need to know that we value more than just being right all the time. We need to really honor their creativity. We need to honor their desire to learn useful skills that are going to be relevant" class="hjdict" word="relevant" target=_blank>relevant to the twenty-first century world.

"These are skills such as innovation and creativity, people-skills like compassion" class="hjdict" word="compassion" target=_blank>compassion and collaboration and the ability not to just know the details but to really see how it fits into the big picture. This is our real challenge, is to educate the entire child."


6月1日开始,Michael Geisen将成为新一年的教育发言人。这位两个孩子的父亲将周游全美和世界。国家级教师计划是全美州首席教育官理事会(the Council of Chief State School Officers)的一个项目,始于1952年。获奖者从当年各州的教师中选出。

乔治•布什总统上周在白宫给本年的优秀教师颁奖。他指出,Michael Geisen作为科学系主任的头两年时,他所任教的学校在参加州级科学考试时,成绩迅速提高。而且,他们的成绩仍然在提高。总统的教育改革法 --《不让一个孩子掉队》,将测试作为评定结果的一种方法。但是,在白宫的演讲中,这位新的国家级教师获得者说学生不是"可以测量的数值。"



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  • forester [´fɔristə] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.护林人,林务员 六级词汇
  • spokesman [´spəuksmən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.发言人 六级词汇
  • winner [´winə] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.胜利者,得奖者 四级词汇
  • speaking [´spi:kiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.说话 a.发言的 六级词汇
  • innovation [,inə´veiʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.改革;革新;创新 六级词汇
  • compassion [kəm´pæʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.同情;怜悯 四级词汇
