
Trick of Stealing Watermelons

Ah Q still had the habit of stealing. In village Wee, the watermelons grown by the Zhang's were big and sweet which was known far and near. One night, Ah Q was very greedy to have some watermelon, so he invited Wang Hun to steal some. They crawled toward the watermelon field in the darkness. In the flickering candlelight, they dimly saw a watermelon keeper lying on a bamboo bed.

They both were not so bold to go ahead, thus Ah Q grasped a small stone and threw it to the middle of the field. No response from the keeper, maybe he was in sleep. The two men crawled nearer. Meanwhile Ah Q touched something sticky, he put his hand to his nose and it smelt terrible. "Fuck it!" Cursed Ah Q in mind. Just now Ah Q heard a light sound, it sounded like the bellows. "It is snore,"

Ah Q thought, a great joy came into mind. Ah Q dragged Wang Hun to the bamboo bed in stealth. It was really snore. Ah Q whispered a while to Wang Hun's ear. The two men moved smoothly and silently the bamboo bed together with the keeper to the brink of a pond nearby, especially with the shoe side of the bed facing the pond. After that they returned to the field, picked the biggest melons and filled two bags as if they were picking their own.

Then they carried the bags away. About 200 or 300 meters away, Ah Q shouted to the field, "Someone stealing watermelons!" No sooner had the voice fallen than came a Peotone-the sound of something dropping into the water. Ah Q and Wang Hun giggled, going away without turning their heads.