
Water is a cool weapon against the summer heat. Bathing in water and staying beside water can both help cool your body down. Even simply drinking water can also help you combat the summer heat and help maintain the body in a nice state, both physically and mentally. So here come some helpful suggestions on drinking water properly in the summer.

When at home

1 Form a good water drinking habit. Drink more between meals, rather than when you are tired, or have a headache. These are symptoms of heatstroke. And the water you drink needs to be high quality pure water.

2 Have an adequate intake of salt added to boiled water. Sweating makes people lose so much salt that sometimes drinking pure water can't quench their thirst. This is when salty boiled water comes in handy.

3 Drink some water when your stomach is empty in the morning. Your body will easily absorb the water, as you will be thirsty after a whole night's sleep. The water intake will boost your metabolism and stimulate your immune system.

4 Drink milk, soybean milk, green bean soup, and thin porridge rather than only staple foods for breakfast. You can also have tomato soup, plum juice and fresh juice after or before meals. This will supplement the body with various vitamins as well as beat summer heat.

When out traveling

1 Take lightly salty water -- about 1 gram of salt for every 500ml of water. Salty water supplements the body with various minerals like natrium and kalium.

2 Drink water several times when traveling, but drink a little bit each time. The amount of water you drink within an hour should not exceed 1 liter.

3 The water you drink should not be too cold, which can upset your stomache. The water temperature is best at around 10 degrees Celsius.

4 Drink some sweetened water to supplement the sugar stored in the body, as intense activity can drain the sugar from your body.

5 Last but not least, never drink unsanitary river or lake water when traveling to avoid catching any diseases.
  • physically [´fizikəli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.按照自然规律 四级词汇
  • staple [´steipəl] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.&vt.(用)钉书钉 四级词汇
  • supplement [´sʌplimənt, ´sʌpliment] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.增补;增刊;附录 四级词汇