
China is referred to as "The Kingdom of Bicycles".Wherever you go, you may see people riding on bicycles. They rice bicycles to go to work, to go to school, to go shopping and so on. During the rush hour,you can often see steams of bicycles in all directions. In one word,bicycles are the most important and popular means of transportation in China. Compared with cars, bicycles have many advantages. To begin with , they are cheap enough for every family to buy. Secondly, they are convenient. With a bicycle, you can go wherever you like and you don't have to find a parking-lot in a crowded street or have a garage at home. Thirdly, they don't use fuel,so they are pollutoin-free.Finally, cycling has become a kind of sport that many people like.

However, bicycles also cause a lot of problems.Bicycles can be placed everywhere, and as a result, they make the streets more crowded.Everyone can ride on a bicycle.Consequently, those who don't obey traffic regulations cause a lot of accidents.If these problems can be solved, bicycles will add more joy to our lives.
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