
Sold? Now it is your problem!

Usually when a sale is made, in most cases in a hard way, the post-sale leaves much to be desired.

You made an investment in new customers catchments, Lot of money are spent on marketing activities "focused on customer," everything to gain competitive advantages over competitors. Companies usually in their quality programs set its mission as "the customer first", but few is done after its conquest.

Simply use Technical Support services and in some cases need an Ombudsman to realize that much still needs to be done on the quality care. Generally staffs receive sales commissions and are constantly motivated for their goals fulfillment, something that happens with little regard to personal service.

People satisfaction is a result of a number of factors which emphasizes satisfaction with institution, with the service, organization activity, interpersonal relationships, health and quality of life at work.

To achieve excellence in customer service it is need to work initially professional relationships and not lose weight on the customer's issues.

This is vital for the achievement and maintenance of customers and, consequently, achieves high levels of quality and productivity. Typical approach to relationship marketing says that costs more win a new customer than to keep those you already have.

So, to delight a customer, or just keep make him obliged to give something from them you need a sincere smile, a pleasant tone of voice or at least correct information. Customer is all in one organization. For a company customer is the king.
  • competitive [kəm´petitiv] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.竞争的,比赛的 四级词汇
  • excellence [´eksələns] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.优秀;杰出;优点 四级词汇