
CHANCES are friends Loren Neave, 17, and Kahlia Loche, 18, will never have to face the devastating reality of being diagnosed with cervical cancer.

But the teenagers would prefer not to leave things to chance - especially when a vaccine exists against the killer disease.

Loren said yesterday the benefits and peace of mind that Gardasil would provide by far outweighed the cost.

"I understand if it is knocked back because it is too expensive but it will have good consequences," she said.

"By preventing cervical cancer it will prevent deaths - and that is what health programs should be all about."

The original application was to make the vaccine available free to all females aged 12 to 26, but some of the controversysurrounding the rejection by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee is because the drug is mostly effective for the younger age groups.

"I think it is fair to say women in their late teens and 20s seem to be less likely to benefit from the vaccination than young girls," NSW Cancer Council's Professor Stephen Ackland said.

He added the body's ability to mount an immune response reduced from about the age of 12.