
Why I love the city

A lot of my friends are moving out of the city. They're buying houses in the suburbs because they want to get away from the noise, smog, traffic, and crime of the city, one friend says, "there's too much air pollution in the city, I prefer the suburbs, where the air is clean." Another friend complains about the traffic: "there are too many cars down-town! You can't find a parking place, and the traffic jams are terrible." Everyone complains about crime; "the city is full of criminals, I rarely leave my house at night--it's too dangerous."

Before my friends move out of the city, they usually recite the advantages of suburban life, green grass, flowers, swimming pools, barbecues, and so on. Yet after my friends have lived there for a year or so, they realize that suburban life is not so pleasant as they were expecting. What causes this change? Their gardens! They soon learn that one unavoidable part of suburban life is yardwork. After they work all weekend in their gardens, they're much too tired to take a swim in their pools or even to cook some meat on their barbecues. And they have another complaint. They can't live in the suburbs without a car, most of my friends moved to the suburbs to avoid traffic, but now they have to commute to work downtown, they sit on a busy freeway two hours every day!

My opinions about urban life are very different from my friends' -I live downtown, and I love it ! why? Well, first , I love nature-flowers, green grass, trees, and animals, in the city, I have all the advantages of nature, I can walk through the public park, smell the flowers, and sit on the grass under the trees, I can visit the animals in the zoo. Yet I have none of the disadvantages; I don't have to do yardwork or feed the animals. Also, in the city, I can get everywhere by bus; if there is a traffic jam, I can walk home.

It seems that everyone is moving to the suburbs to avoid the crime of the big cities, I have a theory about urban crime, however, so I fell safe downtown. The criminal life will reflect changes in society; if people are buying homes in the suburbs, the criminals will soon follow. Criminals want to avoid noise, smog, and pollution, too, soon, overcrowding and crime will be problems of the suburbs instead of the city!
  • suburban [sə´bə:bən] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.郊区的 n.郊区居民 六级词汇
  • weekend [´wi:kend, ,wi:k´end] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.周末休假 四级词汇
  • downtown [,daun´taun] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.&a.在商业区 四级词汇