
Beating the heat--why do we sweat?


People used to say that horses sweat (1), men perspire (2), and ladies glow (3). Now that most of us live a healthy lifestyle which includes exercise, we all sweat! The main reason our bodies produce sweat is to help us cool down. As you exercise or sit in the hot sun, your body temperature rises and your sweat glands (4) get to work passing liquid through your skin. When your sticky sweat evaporates (5), it cools your skin and helps your body stay at a healthy temperature.

You may think that the sweatiest people at the gym are the ones who are out of shape {6). In fact the better shape you are in, the more you sweat! With lots of exercise heating your body regularly, your 3 million sweat glands will grow larger so they can cool you down faster. But it's not all about exercise: genes (7) determine how likely you are to sweat, and there isn't much you can do to change it! On a very hot day, an average person will sweat 3 pints of liquid an hour, but someone used to the heat will sweat 8.5 pints in an hour! No wonder it's important to drink lots and lots (8) of water when the sun beats down.

Staying comfortable in the heat will mean sweating, but there are other ways to keep cool. Stay in the shade and dress in light colors and natural fabrics (9) like cotton. Wear a light hat that will shade your face but will still let heat escape from your head. Drink a lot of cool liquids to rehydrate (10). If you are sweating a lot, you will be losing salt as well as water through your skin, so you may want a salty snack. Sweat is odorless, but the bacteria (11) that live in it can smell bad. Keeping clean will help your friends stay friendly all summer long!


1 sweat verb 出汗

2 perspire verb 流汗(比较礼貌的说法)

3 glow verb 发光

4 sweat glands noun phrase 汗腺

5 evaporate verb 蒸发

6 out of shape adjective phrase 处于不健康的状况

7 genes noun 基因

8 lots and lots expression 很多

9 fabric noun 织物,布

10 rehydrateverb 让体内含水量达到标准

11 bacterianoun 细菌
  • beating [´bi:tiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.敲;搅打;失败 六级词汇
  • sticky [´stiki] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.胶粘的;顽固的 六级词汇
  • bacteria [bæk´tiəriə] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.细菌 四级词汇
  • evaporate [i´væpəreit] 移动到这儿单词发声 vt.蒸发;消失 四级词汇
  • adjective [´ædʒiktiv] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.形容词 四级词汇