
Dealing with the generation gap, both top-generation and self-generation confront with giant challenges. This gap mainly centers on the different views of individual and social values.

And the diverse views of individual and social values mentioned above act obviously on at least four aspects: notion of children education, concept of using money, the gender discrimination and the tropism of life.

Firstly, the significance of education undoubtedly can not be neglected especially with the deep stretching of fierce competitions in each occupation at present. Absolutely, it is the element that can support us for a higher status in the society. The role of education nowadays more and more corresponds to the vital nourishment that we have to take in everyday. By contrast, the old generations pay less attention to the education of their descendants, and leaving an insufficient output of acquainted persons, a needy China.

Then, the majority of old generation tends to deposit the money for future. Contrary to them, we are apt to profit for the money ahead of time. Two reversed trends make for the distinct social environment which directly mirror from the economic level. And this leaves our generation optimistic to the future while the old generation negative on the contrary.

In addition, here comes to the gender discrimination. In old generation, each family cognizance only the sterner sex can undertake the obligation of the whole household. And they believe it firmly for years. And the fair sex is discriminated for a long time with lower social status. While the situation is altering lentamente with a new era advancing to us, male and female are now equally treated and accounted as the backbone of the whole sept who can take on the business that they are looked forward to. It is the rising of the feminism. Beyond all doubt, this is the gigantic advance of the whole society.

Lastly, the tropism of life is differentiated from generation to generation. There is a case in point, to the old generation; they are liable for being modest anytime, anywhere, which is considered as one of the most valuable virtues of ancient China. Contrarily, condescension is still a good quality, but is gradually losing its absolute station, and tardily being replaced by showing off. And it has been righted by the publics

The origin of these three phenomenons actually relates to the open of their thoughts. And it needs time to achieve, and in the old generation, their minds are circled in a limited space. They have been struggling for generations till the recent time. The confine is finally broken off, and then comes the new concept of individual and social values. What we can do to erase these circumscribe thoroughly? We must dare to get rid of the stale and bring forth the fresh.

For one thing, , only if we quit the dismoded idea and liberate our ideology(意识形态) , can we end the demoded consuetude(习俗, 惯例) and enhance our ideation for an unrestricted and high-civilized society. This is the footstone of solving the problem. We must come up with new solution of these problems and gain the courage of creation to clear up the line between us. For another, then I expect we can communicate with each generation more and try to understand each other in order to build a unisonous(和谐的) environment around us.

All involved above are the evident diversity between the old generation and our generation. It is right time we recognize this truth and work out the solutions that can eliminate the gap.
  • diverse [dai´və:s] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.完全不同的 六级词汇
  • discrimination [di,skrimi´neiʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.区别,歧视 六级词汇
  • status [´steitəs] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.身份;情形;状况 四级词汇
  • nourishment [´nʌriʃmənt] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.食物;营养品(情况) 四级词汇
  • insufficient [,insə´fiʃənt] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.不足的,无能的 六级词汇
  • backbone [´bækbəun] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.脊骨;骨干;支柱 四级词汇
  • enhance [in´hɑ:ns] 移动到这儿单词发声 vt.提高,增加;增进 六级词汇
  • diversity [dai´və:siti] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.差异;多样性 六级词汇