
In a dark night, under hazy moonlight

With a pair of wings I had

Left my bed, and up to heaven I soared.

In the celestial city, I saw vaguely.

A sinner angel knelt before God, waiting for a punishment.

Wings were taken from his shoulders, and a big sack was put on his back.

Fallen from heaven, he heard " catch the sun, and you shall be forgiven".

When the first sunbeam brought the dawn

Into the world, a baby was born

He was the angel whose wings were lost

But a big sack he carried.

When sun rose from the east,

To walk was the first thing he learnt

Toward the sun, he started his journey alone.

With joyful song, birds whistled in trees.

With fragrance, wind breezed through flowers.

Yet, without watching, without listening

He focused his eyes on the ground, searching.

He picked up things on the road. He put things in his sack

He kept searching, he kept collecting, he nearly forgot the sun he should be chasing.

From morning to noon, with vigor and strength he had fully grown.

With resemblance of the shining sun

With a great power that can't be pressed down.

He was walking and walking,

While toward the west, the sun was heading.

His collection became greater and greater, his sack felt heavier and heavier

Yet, his body grew weaker and weaker

In the afternoon, burdens on his back made him gibbous

In the afternoon, wrinkles were carved on his face.

With the sack, he carried on.

Being left behind, he staggered along.

Finally dusk came, the setting sun predicted his doom.

Suddenly he realized, and cast his collection to the ground.

With a lighter sack, he dashed to the sun.

Too late, the feeble body left no strength for him to run.

Too late, the darkness devoured the last sunlight.

He, with regretting eyes slowly closed, fell to the ground.

In his sack, on the field, were temptations of fame, achievement and money.

Smelling human flesh, ants, under the darkness, came to feed on his body.

Suddenly, a pair of white wings dropped from the sky.

One covered the sack, and one the hollowed eye.

With an echo in the silent night, from the heaven afar, heard a deep sigh

Just then, from my dream I woke.

Looking around, surprisingly I found.

With a big sack on the back,

Everyone is collecting things from the ground.
  • vaguely [´veigli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.含糊地,暖昧地 四级词汇
  • sinner [´sinə] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.罪人 四级词汇
  • setting [´setiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.安装;排字;布景 四级词汇
  • surprisingly [sə´praiziŋli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.惊人地;意外地 六级词汇