
Oh, Glorious Bird of Paradise!

Where hither doth Thou go?

On a span of wind that never blows...

To the nameless regions 'bove the rainbow?

The sunless sun doth Thou acquaint

The sandless shore Thy feet shall land

Thy thirst Thou quench

Thy thirst Thou quench

Of the sweetest ambrosia 'til Thy heart content.

Oh, Bird of Paradise!

Fly fly Home!

On a spread of purple cloud

Dost Thou arise... Lightest wing

Softest heart

Follow the stringless harp

Thou doth Arrive!

At the land of endless time

To bathe in the river of ever calm

To play in the fields of ever young

And spoken to by God in melodious tone. Oh, Bird of Paradise!

Thou knowest the most loved One

Thou knowest the Benevolent.

Take me on Thy empowered wings

For I also must come

Must come Home...

I must come Home...

Far away sweet Home!

Home, Heaven Home!


天堂之鸟 何其尊荣

翩翩此行 将欲何往

无风之风 凭虚翱翔

彩霓云端 无名胜境

无阳之光 如君知悉

无沙之岸 汝足所履

琼浆玉液 止君干渴

神馔仙酿 任君欢尝

天堂之鸟  展翅归乡

凌霄九重 紫云端上

轻轻羽翼 柔柔素心

竖琴清韵 无弦奏鸣

驾临极境 无始无尽

恒静之河 供汝欢浴

永春之土 任汝游嬉

上帝法语 天籁圣音

天堂之鸟 至此应晓

至爱之尊 至善之仁

乘汝坚翼 愿与汝往

思乡情切 志所必行

迢迢天乡 吾心遥系

余必归兮 余必归兮