
Section 3: Words and Expressions from Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships—Friendship
1 to put sth.. into a position so that it covers an opening; to get into this position shut: [vn] Would anyone mind if I closed the window? She closed the gate behind her. It’s dark now—let’s close the curtains. I closed my eyes against the bright light. [v] The doors open and close automatically.
2 [vn] ~ sth.. (up) to move the parts of sth.. together so that it is no longer open shut: to close a book / an umbrella
3 ~ (sth..) (to sb./sth..) to make the work of a shop/store, etc. stop for a period of time; to not be open for people to use: [vn] [often passive]: The museum has been closed for renovation. The road was closed to traffic for two days. [v] What time does the bank close? We close for lunch between twelve and two. 4 (also close down, close sth..down) if a company, shop/store, etc. closes, or if you close it, it stops operating as a business: [vn] The club was closed by the police. [v] The hospital closed at the end of last year. The play closed after just three nights.
5 to end or make sth.. end: [vn] to close a meeting / debate to close a case / an investigation to close an account (= to stop keeping money in a bank account) The subject is now closed (= we will not discuss it again). [v] The meeting will close at 10.00 p.m. The offer closes at the end of the week.
6 [v] to be worth a particular amount at the end of the day’s business: Shares in the company closed at 265p. closing prices [also v-adj]
7 to make the distance or difference between two people or things smaller; to become smaller or narrower: [vn] These measures are aimed at closing the gap between rich and poor. [v] The gap between the two top teams is closing all the time.
8 ~ (sth..) about / around / over sb./sth.. to hold sth../sb. firmly: [vn] She closed her hand over his. [also v]
adj. (closer, closest)
1 [not usually before n.] ~ (to sb./sth..)| ~ (together) near in space or time: Our new house is close to the school. I had no idea the beach was so close. The two buildings are close together. This is the closest we can get to the beach by car. We all have to work in close proximity (= near each other). The President was shot at close range (= from a short distance away). The children are close to each other in age. Their birthdays are very close together.
2 [not before n.] ~ (to sth..)| ~ (to doing sth..) almost in a particular state; likely to do sth.. soon: He was close to tears. The new library is close to completion. She knew she was close to death. We are close to signing the agreement.
3 ~ (to sb.) knowing sb. very well and liking them very much: Jo is a very close friend. She is very close to her father. She and her father are very close. We’re a very close family. 4 near in family relationship: close relatives, such as your mother and father, and brothers and sisters: The groom and his close family took their places. 5 very involved in the work or activities of sb. else, usually seeing and talking to them regularly: He is one of the prime minister’s closest advisers. The college has close links with many other institutions. She has kept in close contact with the victims' families. We keep in close touch with the police.
6 [only before n.] careful and thorough: Take a close look at this photograph. On closer examination the painting proved to be a fake. Pay close attention to what I am telling you.
7 ~ (to sth..) very similar to sth.. else or to an amount: There’s a close resemblance (= they look very similar). His feeling for her was close to hatred. The total was close to 20% of the workforce. We tried to match the colours, but this is the closest we could get.
  • opening [´əupəniŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.开放;开端 a.开始的   (初中英语单词)
  • traffic [´træfik] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.交通,运输   (初中英语单词)
  • debate [di´beit] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.&v.讨论,辩论   (初中英语单词)
  • investigation [in,vesti´geiʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.调查(研究)   (初中英语单词)
  • account [ə´kaunt] 移动到这儿单词发声  vi.说明 vt.认为 n.帐目   (初中英语单词)
  • amount [ə´maunt] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.总数;数量 v.合计   (初中英语单词)
  • firmly [´fə:mli] 移动到这儿单词发声  ad.坚固地,稳定地   (初中英语单词)
  • knowing [´nəuiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声  a.会意的,心照不宣的   (初中英语单词)
  • contact [´kɔntækt] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.接触;联系 v.联络   (初中英语单词)
  • examination [ig,zæmi´neiʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.检查;考试;检验   (初中英语单词)
  • painting [´peintiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.绘画;(油)画;着色   (初中英语单词)
  • hatred [´heitrid] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.憎恨,敌意   (初中英语单词)
  • umbrella [ʌm´brelə] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.伞   (高中英语单词)
  • relationship [ri´leiʃənʃip] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.关系;联系;亲属关系   (高中英语单词)
  • seeing [si:iŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声  see的现在分词 n.视觉   (高中英语单词)
  • regularly [´regjuləli] 移动到这儿单词发声  ad.有规律地;经常地   (高中英语单词)
  • thorough [´θʌrə] 移动到这儿单词发声  a.彻底的;详尽的   (高中英语单词)
  • resemblance [ri´zembləns] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.类似;肖像;外表   (高中英语单词)
  • automatically [ɔ:tə´mætikli] 移动到这儿单词发声  ad.自动地;无意识地   (英语四级单词)
  • completion [kəm´pli:ʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.完成;完整   (英语四级单词)
  • liking [´laikiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.爱好;嗜好;喜欢   (英语六级单词)