
计算和通讯功能整合到手表上已经从最初几家公司的尝试演变成一种风潮,小公司和新进入商家在这个市场将很难脱颖而出。本周在拉斯维加斯举办的消费电子展(Consumer Electronics Show)上,各种所谓的智能手表如雨后春笋般冒出来。Pebble Technology Corp.、Kreyos Inc.、高通公司(Qualcomm Inc.)、Archos SA、PH Technical Labs Inc.和三星电子(Samsung Electronics Co.)都展示了新产品或近期推出的产品。

The trickle of companies putting computing and communications power on people's wrists has turned into a torrent, making it tough for small and newer suppliers to stand out in the crowd.

Kreyos营销和销售高级副总裁罗克(Patricia Roch)说,将有很多人进入这个市场,智能手表很有趣、令人兴奋,人们对于如何利用这种技术有很多不同的想法。该公司售价170美元的Meteor智能手表本月开始发货。

So-called smartwatches are popping up all over the Consumer Electronics Show here this week, with new or recently introduced products from Pebble Technology Corp., Kreyos Inc., Qualcomm Inc., Archos SA, PH Technical Labs Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co.


'There will be a lot of people jumping into the market,' said Patricia Roch