
Many parents of 20-somethings worry that their offspring haven't yet found a career path, gotten married or become financially independent.



These parents should chill out, experts say.


美国国家心理卫生研究所(National Institute of Mental Health)的神经学家杰伊·吉德(Jay Giedd)说,"直到最近,我们都是在部分大脑尚未发育到最佳状态时就不得不做出涉及教育、事业、结婚对象、是否参军等人生中十分重要的决定。"他对几千名年轻人所做的脑成像研究已经产生了许多新见解。从生物学的角度来说,推迟那些决定是有道理的,他说,"20多岁的年龄段正在成为自我发现的阶段,这是件好事。"

Recent research into how the brain develops suggests that people are better equipped to make major life decisions in their late 20s than earlier in the decade. The brain, once thought to be fully grown after puberty, is still evolving into its adult shape well into a person's third decade, pruning away unused connections and strengthening those that remain, scientists say.


马萨诸塞州伍斯特市(Worcester)克拉克大学(Clark University)的心理学教授杰弗里·J·阿内特(Jeffrey J. Arnett)在2000年的时候新造了"始成年期"一词,他说,"人在20多岁时的典型特征是不清楚自己将来要做什么,常改变想法,生活看似很不稳定,家长们如果了解这一点就应该放下心来。"

'Until very recently, we had to make some pretty important life decisions about education and career paths, who to marry and whether to go into the military at a time when parts of our brains weren't optimal yet,' says neuroscientist Jay Giedd at the National Institute of Mental Health, whose brain-imaging studies of thousands of young people have yielded many of the new insights. Postponing those decisions makes sense biologically, he says. 'It's a good thing that the 20s are becoming a time for self-discovery.'


28岁的尼基·科恩(Nikki Cohen)对事业的探寻已经比很多人整个一生里所做的还要多。科恩在长岛(Long Island)出生长大,在埃默里大学(Emory University)念了一年医学预科之后,她回到了纽约,进入帕森设计学院(Parsons School of Design)学习。她说,"当时我觉得时装比科学更激动人心,更适合'我'。"

Such findings are part of a new wave of research into 'emerging adulthood,' the years roughly from 18 to 29, which psychologists, sociologists and neuroscientists increasingly see as a distinct life stage. The gap between adolescence and full adulthood is becoming ever wider as more young people willingly or because of economic necessity prolong their education and postponetraditional adult responsibilities. As recently as the 1960s, the average age of first marriage for women in the U.S. was 20, and men 22. Today, the average is 26 for women and 28 for men.

23岁时,她开了一家服装店,并在MTV短命的真人秀节目《都市女孩》(Downtown Girls)中担任主角。当这个节目被取消、她的商店也受经济衰退所拖累之时,她认为自己终究还是对健康问题感兴趣,现在她正在哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)撰写健康教育的硕士论文。


'It should be reassuring for parents to know that it's very typical in the 20s not to know what you're going to do and change your mind and seem very unstable in your life. It's the norm,' says Jeffrey J. Arnett, a professor of psychology at Clark University in Worcester, Mass., who coined the term 'emerging adulthood' in 2000.



For young adults, it can be a stressful time. High rates of anxiety, depression, motor-vehicle accidents and alcohol use are at their peak from 18 to 25, trends that tend to level out by age 28, studies show. And a recent survey by Clark University, which polled more than 1,000 young adults nationwide, found that 72% said this time of life was stressful and 33% said they were often depressed. Still, 89% believed they would eventually get what they want out of life.


美国天普大学(Temple University)的发展心理学家劳伦斯·斯坦伯格(Laurence Steinberg)说,到了20岁年龄段的后期,"大脑中处理情感和社交信息──比如人们对你的看法──的部分与大脑中重点负责事先规划、平衡风险与回报的部分之间建立了更好的连接。"

At age 28, Nikki Cohen has explored more careers than many people do in a lifetime. After a year as a pre-med student at Emory University, the Long Island native moved back to New York to attend Parsons School of Design. 'I decided fashion was more exciting than science and a little more 'me,' ' Ms. Cohen says.


就算是那些在经济上还依赖父母的年轻人也可以通过别的方式来锻炼独立的能力。学术机构"始成年期研究协会"的联合主席、发展心理学家詹妮弗·坦纳(Jennifer Tanner)说,"我的建议是,如果家长现在还在替你做你力已能及的事情,你要主动自己去做。你可以说:'妈妈别管,让我自己拿香波。'"

She opened a clothing boutique when she was 23 and starred in a short-lived reality show, 'Downtown Girls,' on MTV. When the show was canceled and her store fell victim to the economic downturn, Ms. Cohen decided she was passionate about health issues after all and is now completing her master's thesis in health education at Columbia University.



'It's definitely a scary time,' says Ms. Cohen. 'I'm fearful that I'm not going to get a job or meet a man that makes me happy for more than a month. But I'm also happy that I get to try out different things.'



Researchers are just beginning to study how different experiences in adolescence and young adulthood may impact brain development. In one recent study, Dr. Giedd and his team compared brain images of teenage mothers with teens who hadn't given birth, but the researchers didn't find any clear differences. Yet other studies have found that skills such as playing an instrument or speaking another language are easier for young people whose brain connections are still forming. Adults also can learn new languages, but with more difficulty and often with an accent.



The fact that the brain stays unfinished during early adulthood 'is the best thing that ever happened to humans' because it allows us to adapt to changing environments, says Dr. Giedd. 'We can figure out what kind of world we live in and what we need to be really good at.'



The front part of the brain, called the prefrontal cortex, is one of the last brain regions to mature. It is the area responsible for planning, prioritizing and controlling impulses.



By the late 20s, 'there's better communication between parts of the brain that process emotions and social information -- like what people think of you -- and the parts that are important for planning ahead and balancing risk and reward,' says developmental psychologist Laurence Steinberg of Temple University.

Melinda Beck