
A chemically enhanced superspy and a pair of bumbling politicians overtook 'The Dark Knight Rises' at the box office this weekend, after a three-week run at the top by the comic-book adaptation.

一个经过化学强化的超级间谍和一对洋相迭出的政客上周末取代《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》(The Dark Knight Rises)成为票房冠军。《黑暗骑士崛起》是一部根据漫画改编的电影,此前三周一直引领北美周末票房榜。

'The Bourne Legacy,' a thriller from Comcast Corp.'s CMCSA +0.52% Universal Pictures, and 'The Campaign,' a comedy from Time Warner Inc.'s TWX +0.82% Warner Bros. Pictures, emerged as the Nos. 1 and 2 films in North America, with respective grosses of $40.3 million and $27.4 million, according to early studio estimates.

据片方初步估计,康卡斯特(Comcast Corp.)旗下环球影业(Universal Pictures)发行的惊悚片《谍影重重4》(The Bourne Legacy)以及时代华纳(Time Warner Inc.)旗下华纳兄弟影业公司(Warner Bros. Pictures)发行的喜剧《政坛混战》(The Campaign)上周末高居北美周末票房榜头两位,两部影片分别获得了4,030万美元和2,740万美元的收入。

'The Dark Knight Rises,' also from Warner Bros., earned $19.5 million, bringing its domestic cumulative gross to $390.1 million after four weeks.


'The Bourne Legacy' is an expansion of the action series based on Robert Ludlum's books. Originally starring Matt Damon, the franchise has grossed $944.9 million world-wide to date. The new installment, which cost $125 million to produce and was co-financed by Relativity Media LLC, focuses on a new lead character played by actor Jeremy Renner.

《谍影重重4》是根据罗伯特•勒德伦(Robert Ludlum)的小说改编的系列动作片的最新续集。前三部影片由马特•达蒙(Matt Damon)主演,迄今为止其全球范围内的票房收入已达9.449亿美元。《谍影重重4》耗资1.25亿美元拍摄,由Relativity Media LLC共同出资,影片主要表现的是杰瑞米•伦纳(Jeremy Renner)饰演的一位新主角。

The film opened in line with studio expectations and appealed primarily to males, who made up 52% of the audience, and those over the age of 30, who made up 69% of the audience.


The film's solid debut opens the door to a variety of franchisecontinuation options, said Universal Pictures' president of distribution, Nikki Rocco. 'Certainly we wouldn't be discussing these opportunities if the film hadn't opened well,' she said.

环球影业负责影片发行的总裁罗科(Nikki Rocco)说,该片上映首周末扎实的票房成绩打开了一扇为系列影片拍摄续集的大门;如果该片上映之初的表现不好,我们自然不会讨论这些可能性。

In second place was 'The Campaign,' which stars Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis as two candidates facing off for a congressional seat. The film was directed by Jay Roach, who also helmed 'Game Change,' this year's HBO political drama about the 2008 presidential election.

排在第二位的是由威•法瑞尔(Will Ferrell)和扎克•加利费安纳基斯(Zach Galifianakis)主演的《政坛混战》。两人在片中饰演因竞争同一个议员席位而撕破脸的候选人。本片由杰伊•罗奇(Jay Roach)执导。罗奇曾执导《规则改变》(Game Change),一部由HBO今年推出的有关2008年总统大选的政治剧。

Michelle Kung

Michelle Kung