
Fox broadcastnetwork said Britney Spears would join 'The X Factor' as a judge next season, after a disappointing debut year for the talent show.

14日在纽约的发布会上,福克斯广播网(Fox broadcast network)表示,布兰妮•斯皮尔斯(Britney Spears)将在下一季的选秀节目《X 音素》中担任评委。该节目开播第一年的表现令人失望。

The network also said it has 'some creative reinvigoration' planned for its aging hit 'American Idol,' although it didn't offer details.

福克斯还说已经为其老牌热门节目《美国偶像》(American Idol)做了"一些创意重振计划",不过并未提及具体细节。

Fox made announcements about both shows as it unveiled next season's programming lineup on Monday at a presentation in New York. 'X Factor' star Simon Cowell appeared on stage with Ms. Spears, along with another newly named judge, singer Demi Lovato, and music producer L.A. Reid, who is staying on as a judge. The two new judges replace Paula Abdul and Nicole Scherzinger.

福克斯在发布会上公布了下一季的节目单,同时宣布了两个节目的新计划。《X 音素》明星西蒙•考威尔(Simon Cowell)与布兰妮共同亮相,同时登台的还有新任评委、歌手黛米•洛瓦托(Demi Lovato),以及继续担任评委的音乐制作人L.A.雷德(L.A. Reid)。两位新评委取代了老评委宝拉•阿布杜(Paula Abdul)和妮可•舒可辛格(Nicole Scherzinger)的位置。

'This year we are seriously going to kick butt,' Mr. Cowell said.


While the initial season of 'The X Factor' that ended last December drew a sizable audience -- an average of more than 12 million people for both its Wednesday and Thursday night broadcasts, according to Nielsen -- Mr. Cowell had said last summer 'The X Factor' would need to draw 20 million for it not to be a disappointment.

据尼尔森(Nielsen)统计,去年12月结束的《X 音素》第一季吸引了不少的观众,周三和周四晚间节目的观众平均都在1,200万以上。不过考威尔去年夏天曾说过,《X 音素》需吸引2,000万观众才算不负所望。

Like The Wall Street Journal, Fox is owned by News Corp.

福克斯与《华尔街日报》均属新闻集团(News Corp.)旗下媒体。

Fox said it had ordered three new comedies for fall, reflecting a recent emphasis on the genre. 'The Mindy Project' and 'Ben and Kate' will be part of Fox's all-comedy prime-time block on Tuesday nights. Fox also will launch a comedy from the executive producers of CBS Corp.'s 'How I Met Your Mother' called 'The Goodwin Games' midway through the season.

福克斯说已经为秋季档预定了三部新喜剧集,反映了最近这类剧集的受关注程度。《明迪烦事多》(The Mindy Project)和《我的奶爸》(Ben and Kate)将会在福克斯周二晚间喜剧黄金档播出。福克斯还将在季中推出喜剧《遗产风波》(The Goodwin Games),该剧出自哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS Corp.)剧集《老爸老妈浪漫史》(How I Met Your Mother)原班监制之手。

Fox will start a midseason drama season called 'The Following,' with Kevin Bacon.

福克斯将在季中开播凯文•贝肯(Kevin Bacon)参演的剧情片《杀手之王》(The Following)。

One of Fox's other long-standing hits, 'Glee,' will have some extra stars for part of next season with the addition of Kate Hudson and Sarah Jessica Parker. The show is also being moved to Thursday night from Tuesday evening at 9 p.m., following 'The X Factor.'

福克斯另一部经久不衰的热门剧集《欢乐合唱团》(Glee)下一季将迎来几位新演员的加盟,其中包括凯特•哈德森(Kate Hudson)和莎拉•杰西卡•帕克(Sarah Jessica Parker)。该剧播出时间将由周二晚九点改为周四晚,在《X 音素》之后播出。

Separately, Peter Rice, chairman of entertainment for Fox Networks Group, voiced concern about Dish Network Corp.'s decision last week to introduce a new DVR feature that allows viewers to avoid commercials entirely for some prime-time broadcast programs. 'I do find it surprising that they're going to do that to their largest content provider,' he said, adding that Fox is 'still evaluating it.'

另据报道,卫星电视运营商Dish Network Corp.上周决定推出一项新的DVR功能,让观众能够在部分黄金档节目中完全避开广告。福克斯网络集团旗下娱乐集团总裁彼得•赖斯(Peter Rice)对此表示担忧。他说,"他们会对自己最大的内容供应商这样做,我实在觉得很意外。"他说福克斯"还在对此进行评估"。

NBC network's Broadcasting chairman Ted Harbert said the 'Auto Hop' feature is 'an insult to our joint investment in programming.' 'I'm against it,' he told advertisers, opening NBC's presentation of its fall season program lineup.

美国全国广播公司(NBC)广播网总裁泰德•哈伯特(Ted Harbert)说,这种"自动跳过"的功能是"对我们对节目联合投资的侮辱"。他在NBC秋季档节目单发布会开幕讲话中对广告商说,"我反对这种做法。"

John Jannarone