
Put down that smartphone; pick up that crayon.


Employees at a range of businesses are being encouraged by their companies to doodle their ideas and draw diagrams to explain complicated concepts to colleagues.


While whiteboards long have been staples in conference rooms, companies such as Facebook Inc. are now incorporating whiteboards, chalkboards and writable glass on all sorts of surfaces to spark creativity.

白板一直是会议室的必备工具,如今脸谱公司(Facebook Inc.)等众多企业更是将办公场所各处各种各样的表面变为白板、黑板和可写玻璃,以此来激发员工创意。

Firms are also holding training sessions to teach employees the basics of what's known as visual note taking. Others, like vacation-rental company HomeAway Inc. and retailer Zappos, are hiring graphic recorders, consultants who sketch what is discussed at meetings and conferences, cartoon-style, to keep employees engaged.

有不少企业举办培训班,教员工视觉记录法的一些基本方法。美国度假房屋租赁网站HomeAway Inc.和鞋类商品在线销售公司Zappos等企业专门聘请图形记录师作为顾问,这些记录师在会议中以卡通画面记录下讨论的内容,提高员工的兴趣和参与度。

Doodling proponents say it can help generate ideas, fuel collaboration and simplify communication. It can be especially helpful among global colleagues who don't share a common first language. Putting pen to paper also is seen as an antidote to the pervasiveness of digital culture, getting workers to look up from their devices. And studies show it can help workers retain more information.


Even with advanced gadgets such as smartphones and tablets, 'the hand is the easiest way to get something down,' says Everett Katigbak, a communicationdesigner at Facebook. Most of the walls at the company's offices around the country have been coated with dry-erase or chalkboard paint or a treatment for glass to allow employees to sketch ideas whenever they arise. The company's offices are filled with jottings, from mathematical equations to doodles of cats and dollar signs.

脸谱公司的交互设计师埃弗雷特•卡迪格巴克(Everett Katigbak)说,即使现在有了智能手机和平板电脑这样的电子设备,"我们的手仍是最方便的记录工具。"脸谱公司在全美各地大多数办公楼的 壁上都配备白板、黑板或可写玻璃,让员工随时随地都能把自己的想法记录下来。公司的办公室里随处都能看到便条和备忘录,上面有数学公式、猫狗涂鸦和美元设计稿等等,不一而足。

IdeaPaint Inc., which makes a paint that turns a surface into a whiteboard, says its sales have doubled annually since the product was introduced in 2008. The Ashland, Mass., company says more than half of its business is in the workplace.

美国马萨诸塞州阿什兰市(Ashland)的IdeaPaint Inc.公司生产一种涂料,借助这种涂料各种表面都成了可以写字的白板。该公司表示,自2008年该产品面世以来,其销售额每年都以翻番的速度增长,其中一半的业务来自于办公场所的需求。

Taking notes and drawing may help workers stay focused, too.


A 2009 study published in the journal Applied Cognitive Psychology found that doodlers retained more than nondoodlers when remembering information that had been presented in a boring context, such as a meeting or conference call. The logic, according to Jackie Andrade, a psychology professor at the University of Plymouth in England, is that doodling takes up just enough cognitive energy to prevent the mind from daydreaming.

2009年在《应用认知心理学》(Applied Cognitive Psychology)杂志上发表的一篇研究报告称,在普通会议或电话会议等枯燥环境下,涂鸦记录者比非涂鸦记录者记住的信息更多。该报告作者英国普利茅斯大学(University of Plymouth)心理学教授杰克•安德雷德(Jackie Andrade)说,涂鸦能调动人体的认知能量,避免大脑"放空"。

Last summer, software maker Citrix Systems Inc. opened a 'design collaboration' workspace at its Santa Clara, Calif., headquarters. The facility was designed to encourage the company's gadget-obsessed engineers and other employees to let loose and sketch ideas, says Catherine Courage, the company's vice president of product design.

2011年夏天,软件开发商美国思杰系统有限公司(Citrix Systems Inc.)在加州圣克拉拉(Santa Clara)的总部设立了一个"设计协作"工作区。公司负责产品设计的副总裁凯瑟琳•卡瑞奇(Catherine Courage)说,这种做法旨在鼓励公司那些沉迷于电子设备的工程师和其他员工有所改变,把自己的想法勾勒出来。

Whiteboards cover almost every wall and table. Markers, sticky notes and construction paper are readily available. There are also pipe cleaners and foam balls for 3-D models, and employees make props like hats and glasses to help them act out concepts.

在这家公司,几乎每面 壁和每张桌子上都能找到记录用的白板,记号笔、即时贴、绘画用纸随处可见,还有用于制作3D模型的毛根和泡沫球,员工戴上自制的帽子和眼镜,激发自己将创意付诸实现。

To loosen up employees, meetings sometimes begin with participants sketching self-portraits. Although some engineers are skeptical and say they can't draw, 'it gets them in the mood,' Ms. Courage says.


Audra Kalfass, a Citrix software-development engineer, says when she meets with her team and there is a technical issue, 'it's natural to start drawing stuff.' Since nearly every surface in design meeting rooms can be written on -- even the tables are made of whiteboards -- 'you just grab a marker and you start drawing,' she says.

思杰公司软件开发工程师奥德拉•卡尔法斯(Audra Kalfass)说,当她跟团队开会讨论某个技术问题时,"会很自然地开始画东西。"会议室几乎每一个表面都可以写字──甚至连桌子都是白板做的──"拿起笔就能画。"

Ms. Kalfass says she is a 'horrible' artist. Nevertheless, 'it doesn't take much artisticability to communicate visually. . . It's mostly boxes and lines and stuff like that to get your point across.'


At Spectrum Health System, a Grand Rapids, Mich., health-care provider and insurer, technology managers took a workshop with Dan Roam, a San Francisco 'visual problem solving' consultant, on using images like stick figures and arrows to explain the complexities of the industry to Spectrum employees.

Spectrum Health System公司是密歇根州大瀑布市(Grand Rapids)的一家医疗及保险服务商,公司的IT经理们参加了旧金山"视觉问题解决方案"顾问丹•罗姆(Dan Roam)的培训班,学习如何用"火柴人"和箭头等简单图像来向Spectrum的员工解释复杂的技术问题。

After the workshop, Chief Information Officer Patrick O'Hare helped create a presentation featuring cartoonlike sketches for the chief executive. In one, the company's three business branches-- health insurance, hospitals and physician clinics -- were depicted as a body, representing the consumer, divided into three parts.

经过培训后,公司首席信息长帕特里克•奥海尔(Patrick O'Hare)为首席执行长准备了一份卡通简图版的演示材料,其中将公司的三大业务──健康保险、医院和诊所──画成一个分为三大部分的人体,代表消费者。

Mr. O'Hare says he isn't a good artist but the workshop taught him it was 'OK to stand up in front of a group and draw stick figures. It doesn't have to be so pristine.'


HomeAway, an Austin, Texas, vacation-rental company, hired a graphic facilitator to help train a dozen employees-- including senior managers and human-resources staff-- to use visual shorthand and sketching to help guide meetings, says Lori Knowlton, vice president of human resources. The aim was to better 'capture ideas using images,' she says. Plus, it is more fun than 'being surrounded by spreadsheets and emails.'

德克萨斯州奥斯汀(Austin)的度假房屋租赁公司HomeAway负责人力资源的副总裁罗莉•诺尔顿(Lori Knowlton)说,公司请一位图形引导师来培训十几名员工──包括资深经理和人力资源部的员工──通过视觉速记和简图来引导会议进程。这样做是为了更好地"通过画面抓住创意",她说,而且这比"被表格和电子邮件重重包围"更有乐趣。

The company also brought in graphic recorder Sunni Brown to help sketch, in real time, what was discussed at a large company meeting on HomeAway's strategy. The resulting cartoonlike image, which serves as the meeting's minutes, hangs framed at the company's headquarters.

公司还请图形记录师桑尼•布朗(Sunni Brown)把公司战略大型研讨会上的讨论内容实时绘画下来。这些卡通风格的会议记录图被装裱起来,挂在公司总部的 壁上。

At Turner Broadcasting System Inc. in Atlanta, a strategy-development team recently drew tree branches and placed sticky notes on the branches to explore ways to extend the Turner Classic Movies brand,

在时代华纳(Time Warner Inc.)旗下的亚特兰大市的特纳广播公司(Turner Broadcasting System Inc.),一个战略研发团队最近绘制了不少树状图,将即时贴粘在树状图的枝条末端,通过这种方式来寻找扩大"特纳经典电影频道"(Turner Classic Movies)品牌影响力的途径。

The exercise yielded more than 200 ideas, some of which are in development, says Amy Zehfuss, vice president of networkstrategy for the Time Warner Inc. unit. 'Seeing all the stickies on the tree is a really powerful visual,' she says.

该公司网络战略副总裁艾米•扎弗斯(Amy Zehfuss)说,这种方式引发了200多个创意,其中一些已在实施阶段。她说,"看到树上所有那些即时贴,真的给人带来强烈的视觉冲击。"

Even PowerPoint software developers do their share of doodling.


Jeffrey Murray, principal test manager for the Microsoft Corp. unit, says his team often starts with whiteboard sketches and cartoonlike storyboards when considering new features.

微软公司(Microsoft Corp.)的PowerPoint测试主管杰弗瑞•穆瑞(Jeffrey Murray)说,他的团队在考虑PowerPoint的新功能时,经常在白板上乱画,用卡通风格的图画来记录想法。

Sketches help 'get everyone on the same page and can convey the emotion and experience of the user,' he says. Eventually, the images are transferred to PowerPoint decks, he says. Inevitably, developers sketch and scribble over the whiteboard projections.


Rachel Emma Silverman