
The U.S. may be in an unemploymentcrisis, but the students at Harvard Business School aren't too worried about their job prospects, says the school's dean, Nitin Nohria.

美国也许陷入了失业危机,但哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)院长尼廷•诺里亚(Nitin Nohria)说,哈佛商学院的学生并不太担心就业前景。

About 95% of last year's graduating class had job offers by early September, according to the school. Still, Mr. Nohria says keeping students at the nation's top business school humble can sometimes be a challenge, one he struggled with himself when he assumed his role last year.


When you take the reins as a leader, you 'start suddenly believing that your words are more important than everybody else's,' says the 50-year-old dean, who studiedleadership for many years as a professor of business administration at Harvard Business School.


Mr. Nohria made ethics a centerpiece of Harvard's recent curriculum overhaul, which started last month. The new classes also emphasize hands-on training in entrepreneurship and leadership.


At lunch with a group of Wall Street Journal reporters and editors, Mr. Nohria discussed changes in business education and how to teach character-building. Edited excerpts:

诺里亚在与《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)部分记者和编辑共进午餐时谈及商学院教育的变化以及怎样进行品格培养。以下是经过编辑的谈话节选:

WSJ: You've been dean for just over a year. What are some of the biggest surprises or challenges you've had?


Mr. Nohria: This is an important inflection point. We're moving from an American century in business to a global century in business. When I came to Harvard Business School in the 1980s, the vast majority of people were interested in studying America, because this is where they hoped to have job opportunities. As late as 1988, when I joined, less than 5% of our case [studies] were outside of the United States. Last year more than a third of our cases were global.


WSJ: Coming to school is kind of an optimistic moment in someone's life. [Yet the economic mood is depressed right now.] What is the day-to-day mood about your hallways?


Mr. Nohria: There's no doubt some anxiety about the state of growth in the global economy, but that aggregate picture masks terribly important differences. Even at a time in the United States when we worry about 20 million jobs being needed, there are three million jobs unfilled.


Last year, our students graduated and [nearly] everybody has a job. The labor market for them, which used to only be the United States, has now become global.


WSJ: Entrepreneurship and innovation are great buzzwords. How do you teach [them]?


Mr. Nohria: One of the most significant changes that we have made in our M.B.A. curriculum this year is a platform we're calling the FIELD [field immersion experiences for leadership development] method. Students will be required to develop a micro-business. We're going to give them $3,000, and they have to launch a product or service.


Helping our students go from just knowing about things to learning how to translate that knowing into doing, and through the doing of things learn what it means to be an entrepreneur or be a leader, this is where we're trying to push management education.


WSJ: How did you absorb the lessons of the crash into your curriculum? Is there more you could have done before 2008?


Mr. Nohria: I don't think that we could be found wanting in terms of the class sessions that we devote to teaching people about ethics. After Enron, we were the first business school to introduce a required course that focused on corporate accountability. But there seems to be a big difference between people's understanding of their responsibilities as business leaders and their capacity to live up to those when faced with pressure or temptation.


Cultivating that moral humility where you say, 'Yes, under some circumstances your moral compass might fail you,' I think we need to understand better how to help students recognize those moments and know how to resist.


WSJ: The things people end up doing when they're tempted seem to be a failure of moral compass. But by the time you're in business school, [is it] a little late to be teaching those things?


Mr. Nohria: The general belief about moral and character development [is] this is something that we learn at home, as adolescents. I actually think the formation of character is a lifelong process.


Abraham Lincoln said that people think that the real test of a person's character is how they deal with adversity. A much better measure of a person's character is to give them power. I've been more often disappointed with how people's character is revealed when they've been given power. I have learned that in a very modest ways even as having become dean. How I inhabit this new sense of self and learn to stay grounded is going to be as important to the formation of my character as anything I've learned from my parents.

亚伯拉罕•林肯(Abraham Lincoln)说,如何应对逆境是对个人品质的真正考验。考验一个人的品质有个更好的方法,那就是给他权力。人们掌权后所暴露出的品性通常更让我失望。担任院长的经历已经让我对此略有体会。适应新的自我,学会保持谦虚在我品质养成过程中的重要性绝不亚于我从父母那儿学到的东西。