
Supermodel Linda Evangelista is asking French billionaire Francois Henri-Pinault for $46,000 a month in child support. He's the father of Ms. Evangelista's four-year-old son, Augustin James. And Ms. Evangelista argues that $46,000 is the minimum required to provide for young Augustin in the manner to which he has grown accustomed.

超模琳达•伊万格丽斯塔(Linda Evangelista)向法国亿万富翁弗朗索瓦-亨利•皮诺特(Francois-Henri Pinault) 索要每月4.6万美元(折合人民币约30万元)的子女抚养费。他是伊万格里斯塔四岁儿子奥古斯汀•詹姆斯(Augustin James)的父亲。伊万格丽斯塔称,要给奥古斯汀提供他已经习惯了的那种生活,4.6万美元是最低要求。

Readers outside New York are probably thinking: 'What's this kid eating ?!'


Readers in New York are thinking: 'She should ask for more.'


To find out how a four-year-old could possibly burn through $46,000 a month in Manhattan, I called Natasha Pearl, president of Aston-Pearl, the New York-based lifestyle-management firm for wealthy families.

为了解一个四岁孩子如何能在曼哈顿一个月挥霍掉4.6万美元,我致电Aston-Pearl总裁娜塔莎•珀尔(Natasha Pearl)进行了咨询。这是一家为富人家庭提供生活方式管理服务的公司。

Here's the breakdown:


CHILDCARE. Forget the nanny. Kids like Augustin need a round-the-clock child-care team, what the wealthy call 'full, 24/7 coverage.' Ms. Pearl says that requires three nannies, with two rotating on full schedule and another as a backup. 'And that third nanny preferably has some specialty skill, like teaching the kid Mandarin,' Ms. Pearl said. 'And if he's a boy, the third staffer might be a manny to run him around the park and throw him baseballs.'


Total cost: About $23,000 a month or more half the total.


SCHOOL. Augustin is still in preschool, which means that rather than paying the $36,000 to $40,000 a year for private school, Ms. Evangelista only has to pay about $20,000 to $30,000 for a top preschool. That means his school bill at least for now is a mere $2,500 a month.


CLOTHING. You can't be the son of Linda Evangelista and the world's luxury king and wear Osh-Kosh. To sheath Augustin in Chloe, Berlingot and Jacadi (does Gucci have a kids' line?) you're looking at $3,000 a month minimum.


EXTRACURRICULARS. Fencing, chess, French lessons, soccer and all the other add-ons that are required for any successful Manhattan four-year-old will easily run another $2,000 to $5,000 a month.


DRIVERS. 'He probably needs his own driver since they can't split one,' Ms. Pearl said. 'If he needs to be at school at 8 a.m. and she needs to be out 'til 2 a.m., they have to have two.' So add another another $6,000 to $8,000 a month.


So we're already at more than $41,000 and we haven't even gotten to his daily sushi intake, the expense account at F.A.O. Schwartz and the kiddie birthday parties at Top of the Rock.

现在加起来已经超过4.1万美元了,还没算上他每天要吃的寿司、F.A.O. Schwartz玩具店的账户以及在洛克菲勒中心顶层的峭石之巅(Top of the Rock)举行的儿童生日派对。

'At first glance, $46,000 seems like an extraordinaryamount and it is,' Ms. Pearl said. 'But for a fortunate child in New York, it is actuallyabsolutelyconceivable that his expenses could approach $50,000 a month.'


Message to Mr. Pinault: you're getting a bargain.


What other expenses do you think a fortunate son in New York might incur?


Robert Frank