Proserpine and the nymphs saw him and drew back in alarm. Pluto strode toward them and seized Prose...
He found temples overturned, trees uprooted, and rocks thrown about as though some great earthqu ak...
To drive away the dampness in the caves, Pluto, lit many fires. Their flickeri ng flames made the l...
PROSERPINE AND PLUTO Pluto was God of Erebus, the world that lies beneath the ground. In his realm...
A vulture, cruel as the king of the gods, came daily and tore him with its claws and beak. But this...
Man dug iron out of the earth, and by the help of his new fire made weapons that were sharper than t...
When their king said this, none of the gods dared to say a word in defence of mankind. But Prometheu...
The Titans tore up enormous boulders and cast them at the gods, while Jupiter hurled his thunderbolt...
PROMETHEUS There once lived a race of huge giants called Titans. These giants were fierce, turbule...
Pluto frowned more fiercely than ever. "She has eaten six seeds of a pom egranate," he said. "The ...
After this, Arachne's tapestries always showed some touch of the new colour. T hey now found a read...
希腊神话 The Flood Towards the end of the Age of Bron...
[希腊神话]赫克犹巴 Hecuba He cuba's life was one of grief and sorrow.She saw withher o...
[希腊神话]伊俄 Io Io was the daughter of a rivergod.She was loved,run after and won by Z...