范文 Directions: You want to apply for a job as a personal secretary to the general manager of a c...
范文 Directions: one of your friends Mary Brown is going to enter Mr. Johnson’s school after her gra...
范文 Directions: Your local library intends to improve its service and facilities. As a regular libr...
范文 Directions: You want to invite Mr. Williams to give a lecture on "American literature" in your ...
范文 Directions: You found something wrong with the telephone bill you have received from the local ...
范文 Directions: Study the following essay carefully and write a summary in about 100 words. Stude...
范文 Directions: You are going to study at a foreign university. Write a letter inquiring about the ...
范文 Directions: Your friend Jack has got his master's degree. Write a letter to show your congratul...
Psychological Problems among Students’ Mind1. 当今,大学生心理健康问题值得重视;2. 分析大学生产生心理健康问题的原因(可从同学关系紧张;恋爱遭受挫折; ...
Teaching Reform, 目前学校正在讨论是否应变单一的教学体制为立体式教学――除单一课本授课外、采用多媒体及网络教学。请写一封信给学校报社说明你对此的看法。内容应涉及传统教学方法的局限性,立...
On Mobile Phone1. 现在越来越多的人使用了移动电话:在各种公共场合都可以看到。许多大学生也有了移动电话。2. 移动电话得到广泛使用的原因:非常有用的通信工具,举例;流行的产品;价格下降...
The Prevalence of Western Holidays1中国传统节日受到冷遇,西方节日却日益升温;2形成这种现象的原因;3你对这种现象的态度。The Prevalence of W...
必修课、选修课中国目前的高校依然以必修课为主,学生必须修完所指定的科目,也有少量选修课程。是否应让大学生根据自己的兴趣爱好来自行选择大学中的学习课程。你的看法。Should the College S...
Self-establishing Business1. 一些人认为高校学生休学创业应该鼓励。2. 另一些人对休学创业有不同观点。3. 你有何评论。Good or Evil of Suspending...
大学生就业1. 大学生失业已经成为严重的社会问题2. 大学生失业的原因3. 提出自己对待这个现象的看法和认为的解决途径My Viewpoint on Unemployment of College G...