China Starts Recruitment for FundChina's $200 billion sovereign wealth fund has launched a global re...
Chinese Look To GermanyWHEN CHINESE garbage company Fujian Fengquan Environmental Protection Co. dec...
Chinese banks eye holding in StanChartChina's three leading banks have approached Temasek, the Singa...
Co-Founder Of Venture Firm Plans Yr Stint In ChinaHave any doubts Silicon Valley's venture capitalis...
瑞银集团(UBS)在中国内地市场的首单股票承销业务昨日精彩登场。西部矿业(Western Mining)规模8.16亿美元的首次公开发行(IPO)在首日交易中大涨144%。这只股票的承销商是这家瑞士银...
中国与欧元区13国的首轮高层经济会谈昨日开幕,与会各国决策者同意展开合作,以预防汇率的大幅波动。Chinese and European policymakers yesterday agreed t...
中国最大的保险公司中国人寿(China Life Insurance)的董事长杨超昨日表示,该公司计划收购欧洲或北美一家大型保险公司的战略性股权,目前正在与几个对象进行谈判。China Life In...
China Railway debut has investors on edgeNervous investors will today look to the $3bn market debut ...
China IPOs Lose Some AllureU.S. investors gave the clearest indication yet that they have curbed the...
China Shifts Policy To Choke InflationThe announcement by China's leadership of a tougher economic p...
China To Continue To Drive Mining ConsolidationChinese companies are making takeover bids for mining...
Tesco set to enter Chinese market英国连锁超市Tesco协顶新国际进入中国市场 英国连锁超市Tesco正进入中国快速增长并极具竞争性的零售市场,以1.4亿英镑(2.6...
China's inflation rate jumps to highest level in a decade BEIJING: Chinese consumer prices jumped 6....
昨日公布的一项调查显示,尽管去年英国初创企业的融资额增长了27%,达到约14亿英镑,但中国仍取代英国,成为世界第二大风险投资目的国。China overtook the UK as the world...
Chinese Firms Feel The Brunt Of Toy RecallsThere's trouble in toy land. Some of southern China's toy...