There is jocular WAGGETY-WEH, There is musical DOH-REH-MI-FAH - There's the nightingale DOH-REH-MI...
"MEDULLA OBLONGATA" - key of G. Then they began to sing That extremely lovely thing, SCHERZANDO! ...
50 Bab Ballads by W. S. Gilbert PREFACE. THE "BAB BALLADS" appeared originally in the columns of ...
I do it on compulsion!!!" He smoked and winked away - This REVEREND HOPLEY PORTER - The deuce the...
"Send me to the Arctic regions, or illimitable azure, On a scientific goose-chase, with my COXWELL ...
his friends and well-wishers call him for his atrocities), And his poor deluded victim, whom all he...
And that (if people tell me true) Is like to happen soon. Ballad: THE HAUGHTY ACTOR. AN actor - G...