打印机aas(automatic area seagment?)dpi(dot per inch,每英寸的打印像素)ecp(extended capabilities port,延长能力端口)epp(enhanced parallel po
计算机公司ali: acer lab(宏棋实验室)asf: applied science fictionamd: advanced micro device(超微半导体)ami: american megatrends incorpora
791 船舶安全证书 safety of ship certificate792 无线电台安全证书 safety of radio certificate793 设备安全证书 safety of equipment certificate7
磁盘aat(average access time,平均存取时间)abs(auto balance system,自动平衡系统)asmo(advanced storage magneto-optical,增强形光学存储器)ast(avera
abp: address bit permuting,地址位序列改变atc(access time from clock,时钟存取时间)bsram(burst pipelined synchronous static ram,突发式管道同步
2001. 国际商务谈判 International Business Negotiate 2002. 国际英语阅读 International English Reading 2003. 跨国公司理论与实务 International F
428 跟单信用证议付通知书 documentary credit negotiation advice429 银行担保申请书 application for banker's guarantee430 银行担保 banker's gu..
1 分析证书 certificate of analysis2 一致性证书 cettificate of conformity3 质量证书 certificate of quality4 测试报告 test report5 产品性能报告 p
1901. 生物技术实验 Biotechnology Experiment 1902. 遗传工程 Genetics Engineering 1903. 发酵工程 Zymolysis Engineering 1904. 分子生物学 Molec
1801. 数值电路计算方法 Computational Method of Digital Circuit 1802. 信号的检测与估值 Testing & Evaluation of Signal 1803. 自动装置 Auto
2101. 汇编语言 Assembly Language 2102. 操作系统 Operating System 2103. 微机接口技术 Microcomputer Interface Technique 2104. 数据结构 Data
1401. 中国古典小说名著选讲 Selected Readings of Famous Classical Chinese Novels 1402. 中国古典小说选讲 Selected Readings of Classical Chin
1701. 光纤通信系统 Fibre Optical Communication System 1702. 卫星通信 Satellite Communications 1703. 内燃机结构 Structure of Internal-Co
1601. 发电厂电气部分与热力设备 Electric Elements & Thermodynamics Equipment of Power Plants 1602. 数据结构课程设计 Course Design of Data
1301. 液压元件课程设计 Course Exerciese in Hydraulic Elements 1302. 遗传学 Genetics 1303. 仪表可靠性 Meter Reliability 1304. 仪表零件及结构 Met