21. For every course that he follows a student is given a grade, which is recorded, and the record i...
91. As an author, I am naturally concerned that a surprisingly large percentage of the population of...
61. Of course, it would be as dangerous to overreact to history by concluding that the majority must...
51. Even the doctoral degree, long recognized as a required “ union card” in the academic world, has...
1. The American economic system is, organized around a basically private-enterprise, market-oriented...
第六节 文章中的并列关系·怎样对付阅读的长句 小的并列:成分并列,不容易出题。如果出题,选项应该概括所有并列成分,否则是错误选项。 大的并列:只出一题,应该提纲挈领。 What has the tel...
第五节 词汇题: 直接看有单词的那段[001] Yet you will find little if anything written on what it is to be an emplo...
第四节对比题:文章中出现的语言现象——对比关系:1.极端对比:opposite、on the other hand、on the contrary 肯定出题,黑白分明,适当缩小阅读量,进行猜测可以反推...
1. Wearing a seat belt saves lives; it reduces your chance of death or serious injury by more than h...