
 "You lifted my wallet," he says. He is pleased to have said "lifted", thinking it sounds more wordly than stole or took or even ripped off.


  "I beg your pardon?" the girl says.


  "I know you didat the magazine counter. If you'll just give it back, we can forget the whole thing. If you don't, then I'll hand you over to the police."


  She studies him, her face serious. "All right," she says. She pulls the black bag onto her lap, reaches into it and draws out a wallet.


  He takes it from her. "Wait a minute," he says, "This isn't mine."


  The girl runs, he bolts after her. It is like a scene in a moviebystanders scattering, the girl zigzagging to avoid collisions, the sound of his own breathing reminding him how old he isuntil he hears a woman's voice behind him:


  "Stop, thief! Stop that man!"


  Ahead of him the brunette disappears around a corner and in the same moment a young man in a marine uniform puts out a foot to trip him up. He falls hard, banging knee and elbow on the tile floor of the terminal, but manages to hang on to the wallet which is not his.


The wallet is a woman's, fat with money and credit cards from places like Sak's and Peck & Peck and Lord & Taylor, and it belongs to the blonde in the fur-trimmed coatthe blonde he has earlier seen in conversation with the criminal brunette. She, too, is breathless, as is the police man with her.


  "That's him," the blonde girl says, "He lifted my billfold."


  It occurs to the man that he cannot even prove his own identity to the policeman.


  Two weeks laterthe embarrassment and rage have diminished, the family lawyer has been paid, the confusion in his household has receded-the wallet turns up without explanation in one morning's mail. It is intact, no money is missing, all the cards are in place. Though he is relieved, the man thinks that for the rest of his life he will feel guilty around policemen, and ashamed in the presence of women.

