
I Like Music Very Much

I like music very much. I feel as if I'm going into another colourful world while listening to the music.

I like music so much that I believe I can't live without it. I was once asked by a friend of mine why I took such a great inter-est in it. I said, "Oh, look, there are two reasons why I'm fond of music. First I would like to go deep into my soul and find myself through the music I like. Actually, some people call it the process looking for the purpose of life, but I consider it finding my own spirit rather than the purpose of life. And the other reason is that I can communicate with other people and share all the things we have with the help of music. In fact, the use of music as a communication tool has been kept by human beings for thousands of years. "

My friend asked me for further explanation after hearing what I said. I told him that this can date back to the original time, and to the very beginning of the world. At the very begin-ning of human beings, our forerunners already had a special hobby of music. You'll know exactly what I mean if you happen to know the musical sentence when Adam, the first man, said to the first woman Eve, "Madam, I'm Adam ".which may have the meaning when you read from the end to the beginning. Later on, Adam and Eve and their children began to enjoy the sound of na-ture as a result of the special hobby of music. They found interest in listening to the sound of wind and rain, the singing of birds, the howl of beasts as well as the simple songs they themselves made. As time went by, people started to form different kinds of music, such as Western classic music, Eastern music, Pop music, Rock and Rolls and Light music. More and more music came into being. People became more skillful at enjoying the music. They were not just paying attention to the surface like only the words and melodies, but they went deep into the soul of a piece of music. They began to know the relationship between music and their own life. They realized the power of music and started to use music to show their feelings and emotions. Happiness and sadness, love and pain, war and peace, more and more things came into the world of music, which filled people's life. At the same time, people who listened to the music and found the right way of enjoying it were going deeper and deeper into their soul and spirit through music. They got not only the purpose of life, but also the whole colourful world contained in music. They began to communicate with others and share their feelings with the help of music. Music became a kind of language since then.

Nowadays, people take a greater interest in music than ever before. More and more people begin to like music because they want to find their soul deep in their spirit and also because they have a need to share their life with other people. It is said that music has become an exactly international language today. It is even believed that if there are creatures on other planets and all other ways can't help communicate with them, music will probably do!

Now you know why I like music so much. I hope you may find interest in it too. I'm sure that ours will be a splendid world and universe when there's music everywhere.