
Once upon a time there were three young men,who wanted to look for treasures in the desert.

One day,they started out and went to the sands for their treasures. They brought enough food and some water with them.

As it was very hot in the sands,they drank up all the water three days later.They all tired and thirst.Just then they met a white-haired old man and asked him for help.

"You can find what you want after turning on the left and right for several times", said the old man ,"but don't forget to bring something for yourselves when you get back."

With the old man's words ,the three young men went on with their hard travel. It wasn't long before they found a oasis(绿洲) just as expected. They cheered up and ran to the oasis gayly. There,they had a good drink of its clear well water. After full of drinking and eating,it was getting dark. At this moment,the three young men recalled what the old man had told them.

The first young man said,"What can I bring with me? There's nothing but lots of sands and cactuses(仙人掌)." He didn't know what to do and took nothing.

The second young man thought ,"lt may be reasonable for the old man's word, I should bring something ." He looked around and put a handful of sand in his pocket arbitarily.

The third young man thought ,"It must be reasonable and important for the old man's words." So he filled the food bag full of sand. Then, they were on their way back home .

It was at the down when the three young men walked out of the desert. Suddenly,one of them cried out with great surprise,for he found goden sand in his pocket .But the third young man spoke nothing though he had taken a full of golden sand.

The first man was unlucky,because he took nothing with him.

The story tells us that you must catch every chance everywhere.