
Dear editor,

I have worked in the public service sector in Huanggang, Hubei Province for three years. I don't like the job at all because it is quite boring. The pay is fixed, whether I work hard or not. I've lost my passion for the job. To turn things around, I've been studying in my spare time and plan to take the postgraduate entrance exam. But I'm still worried about my future. Even if I enrol in graduate school, will I be able to find a job that's better paid than the present one? Should I stay with my present job, or go for the exams? I need your advice.

It all depends on your personality. Nobody can ensure that a future job will be more rewarding than your current one. To decide clearly, try asking yourself these questions first: Do I prefer a stable job or do I always want change in life? Am I ready to take risks? If you pick stability over challenges, maybe civil service work would suit you best. If not, go ahead with your exam and the sky is the limit. Remember, any job can get boring if you keep doing the same thing year after year. So, whatever work you do, make sure you explore new fields, even in the same job, to benefit both yourself and your employer.


ensure 保证

fixed 固定的

  • stability [stə´biliti] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.稳定;巩固;坚定 四级词汇