
This Asian grass is gaining world-wide appreciation.这种亚洲植物正赢得全世界的欣赏。

The Chinese scholar Su Dongpo once wrote,"I can eat without meat,but I can't live without bamboo."He wasn't alone in his devotion(钟爱) to this unique plant.People in many Asian cultures have praised bamboofor its beauty as well as its usefulness.

Particularly in Chinese tradition,bamboo has always held a special place of honor.It is said to syembolize integrity(正直)and serenity(宁静,沉着).And,down through the ages,its simple beauty has inspired artists and writers alike.Poetic writints about the plant date back as far as the third century.

The root to the shoot


Traditionally,bamboo has been held in high esteem(评价) because of its practical uses.In ancient times,like today,all of the plant was put to use,in food,medicine and even weapons.Archaeological discoveries prove that during the fourth century in China over 200 commonly used items were made from bamboo.

【Word Bank】

wonder adj.神奇的

Resarchers have discovered a new wonder drug that cures caner.

devotion n.钟爱

Jim shows his devotion to his children by spending his evenings with them.

integrity n.正直

Sarah has a lot of integrity.She alwaysdoes what she believes is right.

serenity n.宁静,沉着

The serenity of the still lake and calm skies helped me relax.

esteem n.评价,尊敬

Carrie holds her teacher in high esteem.She has a lot of respect for him.
  • usefulness [´ju:sfəlnis] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.有用(性);有益(性) 六级词汇
  • integrity [in´tegriti] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.完整;完善;正直 四级词汇