
If I were s wizard ,I would marry a witch.Surely she must have a broomstick as every witch does.It would give her good looks and enable her to travel to wherever she wished.In fact ,with the broomstick she would do almost anything.What a capable wife she would make me! Nevertheless ,as my wife,she must obey me.I would tell her to cook,sweep and deliver messages for me.In short,with such a witch as wife,I would

live as comportably as a king.If I were a wizard,I would be able to get 600 points!An ordinary human being could never achieve that My schoolmates would regard me as a genius.Reporters would crowd about me,inquiring how I did it.With a smile I would answer,"Nothing special!"

If I were a scientist,I would work for the welfare of mankind.First, I would devise something to defend human beings against nuclear weapons,for such weapons threaten to wipe out life on earth.Then I would work for the improhvement of the qua

- lity of the human existence.For instance,I would build robots to serve mankind.In short, if I were a scientist,I would put my knowledge and skill to good use to help bring about peace and prosperity.
  • wizard [´wizəd] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.术士;男巫 四级词汇