
Dear Mum and Dad

The war is over now

My task is done and


But mother I must ask you

I have a friend,oh

Such a friend

He has no home you see

Now I ask you Mum and Dad

Can he come home with me?

My son of course we don't mind

If a friend comes home with you

I'm sure that he can stay

With us

For a day or two.

But mother you don't understand

What I'm trying to say

I want my friend to stay with us

For as long as he can stay,

But mother I must tell you


Please don't be alarmed

My friend fought in a battle

And happened to lose an arm.

My son don't be afraid

To bring him home with you

He could stay for a visit,

Maybe a month or two.

But mother he is not a friend

He's like a brother to me

That's why I'd like for him

To be a part of our family.

But before you give your answer

There is something I must say

My friend fought in another battle

And lost a leg that day.

My son we're very sorry,

But our answer now is no,

For fatherand I have no time

For a boy who's crippled so.

Some weeks later a letter came

Saying their son had died

And when they read the cause of death

The letter said:SUICIDE

Some days later teh casket came

Draped in our country's flag

And they saw the young man lying there

Without an arm or leg

So sad.