
" You are more than 60, you are too

old to work! Just stay at home and

play Majiang!" Someone told me.

I'm afraid I can't go along with this

view. I think , physically maybe

I am a little bit old, but mentally

I am still young.

I have quite a few dreams needed

to be realized ,

I have a lot of plans needed to be

fulfilled ,

I have many books needed to read,

I have ...,so many things needed to

be done.

Youth is not a time of life. It's a state

of mind. It is a matter of the will, a

quality of the imagination ,a vigor of

the emotion. Years may wrinkles the

skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles

the soul. Worry, fear,self-distrust bow

the heart and turn the spirit back to


Our thoughts must be directed to the

future, and to things about which

there is something to be done. If we

have wide and keen interests and

activities in which you can still be

effictive , we will have no reason to

think about the merely number of years

you have already lived.

"Man's dearest possession is life. It is

given to him but once, and he must live

it so as to feel no torturing regrets for

wasted years, never know the burning

shame of a mean and petty past."

To live is to function, that is all there

is in living.

I'll study everyday until the end of life.

I'll enjoy life with my family and friends.

I'll keep abreast with the times.