
1. _______ (显然) , what you have said is not true.
2. He is such an _______ (有才智的) student that we all like him.
3. I have been waiting for my boss _______ (耐心) for 2 hours.
4. She is _______ (好奇) about space.
5. The curtain doesn't ______ (相称) the wall.
6. You ______ (误会) him, for he did nothing wrong.
7. The accident ______ (使丧失能力) him to speak.
8. How many ______ (段落) does the passage have?
9. These two buildings are ______ (相似) to each other in outside design.
10. What are you _______ (争论) about with him?
11.He is very g_______ for he often buys things for other people.
12.What the teacher said i_______ her so greatly that she worked harder than before.
13.Peter’s father was very m_______; he never gave Peter any new clothes.
14.The child is cold, hungry and tired, so of course he is feeling m______.
15.Those who have earned money by d______ means should be punished.
16.The young man never smiles and talks, so he is thought to be serious and d______.
17.We all a______ her for the way she saved the children from the fire.
18. We can use words, such as nice, young, kind or happy, to describe people’s q______.
Ⅱ.在空白处填上适当的短语 (汉英互译)
1.着火__________________________ 2.对……熟悉__________________________
3.有……共同点__________________________ 4.因……而闻名__________________________
5.从事于,致力于__________________________ 6.be/get engaged to sb__________________________
7.事实上__________________________ 8.继续……__________________________
9.梦想,梦见__________________________ 10.做讲座,做报告__________________________
11.在20世纪70年代早期__________________________ 12.问题的答案__________________________
13.a number of__________________________ 14.另一方面__________________________
22.from time to time__________________________23.beheve in__________________________
25.与……比较;把……比作____________to 26.relate to____________
27.胜于____________ 28.让某人做…… ____________
29.bring...back to____________ 30.即使____________though
31.adapt to____________ 32.沉溺于be____________
33.全面地____________ 34.时务____________
35.关心be____________ 36.拥挤着……be____________
37.burn down ____________ 38.爱上____________
39.被注意____________ 40.上升____________
41.for once ____________ 42.受痛苦____________
43.look up to ____________
English Test For Senior II (Unit 1-2)
I. Multiple-choice (1 X 25=25分)
1. Your views on education are similar mine.
A. in
B. with
C. as
D. to
2. The sports meet next week has been put off.
A. held
B. being held
C. to held
D. to be held
3. He has a lot of work today, so he can’t go with you.
A. doing
B. to do
C. done
D. do
4. —Where would you like to go, to the cinema or the theatre?
    —It to me.
A. is not a difference
C. is not different
 B. makes no difference
D. makes not a difference
5. His speech turned to be the most important on biology this year.
A. out
B. off
C. on 
D. in
6. There is no in protesting (抗议). It won’t help.
A. cause
B. need
C. point
D. law
7. Only in this way progress in your English.
A. you make 
C. you will be able to make
B. can you make
D. will you be able to make
8. —Hello, can I speak to Braham here?
   —Oh, he is serving here, he has been because of his careless.
A. no longer; fired 
B. not any longer; fined
C. no more, turned away
D. not an
  • waiting [´weitiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.等候;伺候   (初中英语单词)
  • senior [´si:niə] 移动到这儿单词发声  a.年长的 n.前辈   (高中英语单词)
  • biology [bai´ɔlədʒi] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.生物学,生态学   (英语四级单词)