
(共三大题, 计分95分)
Ⅰ.单项填空 (共25小题, 计分25分)
A) 从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项.
1.daily [    ]
A.says                     B.sail
C.certain                  D.imagine
2.bank [    ]
A.hand                              B.runner
C.strange                          D.language
3.idea  [    ]
A.repeat                   B.ocean
C.theatre                  D.ahead
4.extra [    ]
A.exercise                         B.excuse
C.expect                           D.expensive
5.operate     [    ]
A.host                     B.poem
C.soft                      D.studio
B) 从A、B、C、D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案.
6.Would you like some sugar ____ your coffee?      [    ]
A.adding… to                   B.to add… to
C.to add… in                   D.adding… in
7.You should learn ____ English by practising ____ .      [    ]
A.spoken…spoken                B.speaking…to speak
C.speaking…speaking            D.spoken…speaking
8.She refused ____ use her dictionary.     [    ]
A.to let m                             B.me to
C.me using                           D.letting me
9.Could you explain ____ ?       [    ]
A.the sentence for us            B.for us the sentence
C.the sentence to us              D.us the sentence
10.He is free to do ____ he likes       [    ]
A.when                               B.what
C.which                              D.that
11.I have two bikes, ____ are broken.      [    ]
A.all of them                        B.both of them
C.all of which                       D.both of which
12.I found ____ impossible to arrive at the airport before 12o'clock by bike. [    ]
A.it                                     B.it is
C.this                                  D.that
13.Though his English was poor, he managed ____ himself ____ .
      [    ]
A.to make; understand             B.making; understanding
C.to make; understood            D.making; understood
14.____ you English, you should do more reading and writing.      [    ]
A.Improved                       B.Improving
C.Improve                         D.To improve
15.----Do you mind if I open the window?      [    ]
---- ____ .
A.Yes, open please             B.No, go ahead
C.No, you can't open it      D.Yes, not at all
16.____ the population of a city like Suzhou?   [    ]
A.How many are                B.How much is
C.How is                           D.What is
17.____ to see the film please raise the hands.  [    ]
A.Those who wants           B.Those who want
C.Anyone wants                D.People want
18.He is ____ as any of us.       [    ]
A.a good swimmer             B.as a good swimmer
C.a swimmer as good         D.as good a swimmer
19.----May I help you with the work?      [    ]
---- ____ .
A.Yes, I can manage.
B.Thanks.I can manage it myself.
C.No, I can't manage it.
D.Excuse me, but you can't.
20.____ do you think will teach us maths next term?      [    ]
A.Whom                           B.Who
C.What                             D.That
21.These books are for students ____ native language is not English.    [    ]
A.of whom                        B.that
C.which                            D.whose
22.----What can I do for you?
----I'd like to have a ____ of China Daily.  [    ]
A.copy                              B.sheet
C.loaf                               D.piece
23.Hurry up, there is little time ____ .      [    ]
A.leave                              B.left
C.to leave                          D.to be left
24.The number of smokers ____ fallen ____ 30% this year, compared with last year.  [    ]
A.have; by                   
  • sentence [´sentəns] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.判决 vt.宣判;处刑   (初中英语单词)
  • reading [´ri:diŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.(阅)读;朗读;读物   (初中英语单词)
  • swimmer [´swimə] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.游泳者   (初中英语单词)