


第一卷 (选择题,共105分)
1. What is the man?
 A. A worker. B. A driver.   C. A teacher.
2. What is the man going to do this weekend?
  A. Meet a friend of his. B. Go to Beijing. C. Hold a birthday party
3. What does the woman intend to buy her dad for Christmas?
  A. A watch. B. A book. C. A book or a record.
4. How does the woman feel?
  A. Surprised. B. Lighted-hearted. C. A bit tense.
5. What does the man tell the woman?
A. She is mistaken.
B. His dog likes chasing cats.
C. There is another cat that looks like hers.
6. What is the woman going to do?
  A. Buy a gift for David.
 B. Buy a pet for her husband.
 C. Buy some animals for the zoo.
7. How many kinds of animals are mentioned in the conversation?
A. 2. B. 3. C. 4.
8. What can we learn from the conversation?
 A.The man likes keeping rabbits.
  B.The man doesn’t know much about David..
C.The man doesn’t like snakes.
9. How many goals did the visiting team score?
 A. 1. B. 2. C. 3.
10. What do we know about the woman?
  A. She watched the game on TV because she hasn’t got the ticket.
 B. She knew about the game over the radio.
 C. She watched the match at the stadium.
11. When is Jack’s next match?
  A. On Friday this week.
 B. On Saturday this week.
C. On Friday next week.
12. What are the two speakers talking about?
 A. A flight timetable.
 B. Hiring a taxi.
 C. The way to the Union Street.
13. Where is the woman going on Saturday?
 A. Garden Hotel. B. The airport. C. The railway station.
14. When will the driver pick up the woman?
  A. Before 7:00am. B. At 7:00am. C. After 7:00am.
15. What is the relationship between the two speakers?
 A. Husband and wife. B. Close friends. C. Boss and secretary.
16. Which of the following is NOT right according to the conversation?
  A.The man won’t be free until in the evening.
B.The woman will go to meet Tony instead of Dave because she has lots of time to kill.
C.The two speakers are mainly talking about the planning for the next day.
17. Where are the two speakers going to have dinner?
 A. In a restaurant. B. In the woman’s house. C. In the man’s house.
18. What is the main idea of the passage?
  A. More must be done about the school dropouts.
 B. The importance of “Hope Project” .
  C. The function of education
19. How many school-aged children have dropped out of school?
  A. Over 2 million. B. Over 4 million. C. Over 12 million.
20. What is in the greatest demand in helping the poor children?
  A. A better education system. B. A large amount of money. C. Parents’ attention.

第二部分:英语知识运用 (共两节,满分35分)
21. Everyone wishes to have ____success though _____failure is the mother of success.
A.不填; a B. the; a C. a; a D. a; 不填
22. Since the local doctors couldn’t cure her illness. The woman was sent to a big city, where
specialists could be __________to study her disease.
A. called at B. called on C. called in D. called up生词表:
  • worker [´wə:kə] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.工人;劳动者;工作者   (初中英语单词)
  • flight [flait] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.逃走;飞行;班机   (初中英语单词)
  • mainly [´meinli] 移动到这儿单词发声  ad.主要地;大体上   (初中英语单词)
  • function [´fʌŋkʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.机能;职责 vi.活动   (初中英语单词)
  • amount [ə´maunt] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.总数;数量 v.合计   (初中英语单词)
  • everyone [´evriwʌn] 移动到这儿单词发声  pron.=everybody 每人   (初中英语单词)
  • illness [´ilnis] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.生病,不健康,疾病   (初中英语单词)
  • relationship [ri´leiʃənʃip] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.关系;联系;亲属关系   (高中英语单词)
  • weekend [´wi:kend, ,wi:k´end] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.周末休假   (英语四级单词)