
英 语 试 题



1.Where is Bill now?
A.At the office. B.Away on vacation. C.Home in bed.
2.What time will the game be finished?
A.4:20 p.m. B.4:00 p.m. C.3:40 p.m.
3.Why does the man want the woman to give up smoking?
A.Because it’s bad example to the children.
B.Because it’s bad for her health.
C.Because it makes her cough.
4.What are the two speakers talking about?
A.A fine swimming pool. B.Their friend, Jane. C.The weather.
5.Why didn’t the woman enjoy the dinner party?
A.She didn’t like Betty. B.She didn’t like the food. C.She doesn’t like parties.

6.How long do you think winter last in the woman’s country?
A.Two months. B.Four months. C.Six months.
7.Who will spend more money on clothes?
A.People in the man’s country.
B.People in the woman’s country.
C.The man.
8.What does the woman think?
A.It’s not easy to meet people when traveling in a foreign country.
B.People from different places worry about the same things.
C.People needn’t worry about their children.
9.Why is the man going to the bakery?
A.To work. B.To buy a cake. C.To cat a cake.
10.How far is it from where they are to the bakery?
A.You can get there in a minute.
B.You can get there in five minutes.
C.You can get there in half an hour.
11.What is the man going to get for the lady?
A.Bread. B.Cake. C.Sandwich.
12.Who has just moved into the new house?
A.Miss Wang. B.The two speakers. C.The man.
13.When will the party be given?
A.This Monday evening. B.This Tuesday evening. C.This Saturday evening.
14.How long will the party last?
A.Four hours. B.Five hours. C.Six hours.
15.What do you think Robert Redford is?
A.An actor.
B.The manager of the cinema.
C.The man’s boss.
16.What can we learn about Saturday?
A.It will be sunny.
B.They will stay home that day.
C.A good film will be on that day.
17.What will they do before they go out on Saturday?
A.Meet Ed and Jean. B.Play tennis. C.Have a big dinner outside.

18.How long is the flight?
A.2 hours and 40 minutes. B.2 hours and 14 minutes. C.2 hours and 4 minutes.
19.What is the weather like in Seattle at present?
A.Partly cloudy. B.Rainy. C.Sunny.
20.At what gate will the plane arrive?
A.13. B.3. C.30.
第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
21.They happen to be of age ,and they all go in for American football.
A.the same ;the B./;/ C.an ; / D.an ;the
22.Frankly speaking . I’d rather you anything about it for the time being.
A.have done B.haven’t done C.don’t do D.didn’t do
23.—How can they inform Audrey of their project?
— they had her email address.
A.What if B.Only if C.If only D.Now that
24. the goal of “Education for All” ,the Chinese government is making joint efforts.
A.To achieve B.Achieving C.Achieve D.Having achieved
25.Bad luck ! I want to see that terrible big dog, frequently I meet it.
A.The less ;the less B.The more ;the more
C.The less ;the more. D.The more ;the less
26.So far Peter back . Shall we make a phone call to
  • manager [´mænidʒə] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.经理;管理人;干事   (初中英语单词)
  • speaking [´spi:kiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.说话 a.发言的   (英语六级单词)