
高二英语第一学期期末考试题 2009.1
( 满分:150分 时间: 120分钟 ) 命题:陈远贵
第一部分 听力(共两小节,满分35分)
第一节 听力理解 (5段共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
1.Where does the conversation probabl y take place?
A. At a store. B. In a restroom. C. At a court(球场).
2. What is the possible relationship between the speakers?
A. Two strangers. B. Two players C. Two friends.
3. What does the bag contain?
A. A new racket and five balls. B. Two new rackets and ten balls. C. A racket and ten balls.
4.What’s the matter with Fred?
A. He has a cold. B. He has the flu. C. He has a stomach-ache.
5.How long has Fred been sick?
A. Maybe for seven days. B. Maybe for five days. C. Maybe for three days.
6. What does Fred decide to do?
A. Listen to Jenny’s suggestion. B. See the same doctor again. C. Talk to Jenny’s mother.
7.What did the man’s mother use to do?
A. Cooking and washing up. B. Shopping and repairing. C. Decorating and fixing.
8. What are the jobs done by the man’s parents together?
A. Shopping and traveling. B. Packing and decorating. C. Gardening and visiting.
9. Why did the man’s mother use to give up her job?
A. Because she was separated from the man’s father.
B. Because she was terribly ill after the man’s birth.
C. Because she had to look after her children.
10.What is the Big Game?
A. An important football game between schools.
B. An important football game between cities.
C. An important football game between states.
11.When will the game begin?
A. At 1 p.m. B. At 2 p.m. C. At 3 p.m.
12.What do we learn about Cara?
A. She may get to the teaching building at about 12:30 p.m.
B. She is very fond of football sports.
C. She will go out of town this weekend.
13.Why couldn’t the girl and her boyfriend get into a hotel?
A. Because they intended to sleep in the car.
B. Because they didn’t have a reservation(预定).
C. Because they meant to enjoy the beautiful scenery.
14. Where did they stay overnight then?
A. At the empty parking lot. B. On the beautiful hillside. C. In their borrowed car.
15. How did they find their travel?
A. Lucky. B. Satisfying. C. Surprised.
第二节 听取信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
听下面一段对话,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题卷标号为16~20的空格中。听录音前,你将有10秒钟的阅题时间 录音读两遍,你将有80秒钟的作答时间。

Buy a video
Actor in video: Brad Smith.
Name of video:(16)_________________
For people:(17)______ (years old) or older
Cost: (18) £_________
Location of the other shop: in(19)______________________, across the road from the(20)___________

第二部分 语言知识运用(共三小节,满分60分)
第一节 单项选择(共25小题,每小题1分,满分25分)
21. ---It’s cloudy outside. Please take an umbrella.
--- __________.
A. Yes, take it easy B. Well, it just depends
C. Ok, just in case D. All right, you’re welcome
22. Some high officers were punished by law only because they were ___ what didn’t belong to them.
A. in the possession of B. in possession of C. possessed D. possessing
23. A good idea was ____ by the local government that all the ancient paintings in the ruined temples should be protected right now.
A. adapted B. adopted C. absorbed D. aided
24. Jane’s pale face suggested that she ___ ill, and her parents suggested that she ___ a medical examination.
A. be; should have B. was; have C. should be; had D. was; has
25. ---Mr. Li’s lecture was ____.
--- But it was a pity that I missed it.
A.worth listening B. worthy of listening C. worth listening to D. worthy to listen to
26. If my teachers hadn’t trained me strictly, t
  • contain [kən´tein] 移动到这儿单词发声  v.包含;容纳;抑制   (初中英语单词)
  • suggestion [sə´dʒestʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.建议,提议;暗示   (初中英语单词)
  • terribly [´terəbli] 移动到这儿单词发声  ad.可怕地   (初中英语单词)
  • hillside [´hilsaid] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.山腰   (初中英语单词)
  • medical [´medikəl] 移动到这儿单词发声  a.医学的;医疗的   (初中英语单词)
  • examination [ig,zæmi´neiʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.检查;考试;检验   (初中英语单词)
  • worthy [´wə:ði] 移动到这儿单词发声  a.有价值的;值得的   (初中英语单词)
  • relationship [ri´leiʃənʃip] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.关系;联系;亲属关系   (高中英语单词)
  • racket [´rækit] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.(网球等的)拍;球拍   (高中英语单词)
  • location [ləu´keiʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.定位;位置;地方   (高中英语单词)
  • umbrella [ʌm´brelə] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.伞   (高中英语单词)
  • strictly [´striktli] 移动到这儿单词发声  ad.严格地   (高中英语单词)
  • overnight [,əuvə´nait] 移动到这儿单词发声  ad.通宵 a.昨晚的   (英语四级单词)