

  • 所以我们应当离开基督道理的开端,竭力进到完全的地步。不必再立根基,就如那懊悔死行,信靠神,
  • 新中译版圣经:所以我们应当离开基督道理的开端,竭力进到完全的地步。不必再立根基,就如那懊悔死行,信靠神,
  • 新世纪圣经:来 6:1
  • LCC:所以我们应当离开基督开端之道,向前推进到完全长大的程度,不必再立下改悔死行为和信靠上帝等根基∶
  • TCB:那麽,我们应该把关於基督的初步信息抛在背后,朝着更成熟的信仰前进。我们不要老是在信仰的初步阶段下功夫,如懊悔腐朽的习俗、信上帝、
  • 当代圣经:所以我们要离开基督道理的初阶,向着目标竭力迈进,务求到达完美和成熟的地步。不要再从头开始了,就如怎样悔改离开那些导致灭亡的罪行,怎样信靠上帝,
  • CSG:因此,让我们搁下论基督的初级教理,而努力向成全的课程迈进;不必再树立基础,就是讲论悔改、死亡的行为、信赖天主、


  • 新国际版圣经:Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death, and of faith in God,
  • NRSV:Therefore let us go on toward perfection, leaving behind the basic teaching about Christ, and not laying again the foundation: repentance from dead works and faith toward God,
  • NASV:Therefore leaving the elementary teaching about the Christ, let us press on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God,
  • 古老版圣经:Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God,
  • ASV:Wherefore leaving the doctrine of the first principles of Christ, let us press on unto perfection; not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God,
  • 基础英语版圣经:For this reason let us go on from the first things about Christ to full growth; not building again that on which it is based, that is, the turning of the heart from dead works, and faith in God,
  • DBY:Wherefore, leaving the word of the beginning of the Christ, let us go on [to what belongs] to full growth, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and faith in God,
  • 标准修订版圣经:Therefore let us leave the elementarydoctrine of Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God,
  • 直译圣经95版:Therefore leaving the elementary teaching about the Christ, let us press on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God,
  • 直译圣经77版:Therefore leaving the elementary teaching about the Christ, let us press on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God,
  • WEB:Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on to perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith towards God,
  • YLT:Wherefore, having left the word of the beginning of the Christ, unto the perfection we may advance, not again a foundation laying of reformation from dead works, and of faith on God,




NIV:新国际版(New International Version,简称NIV)是一个当代英语圣经译本,也是目前在英语国家被最为广泛使用的圣经版本,适合个人研读之用的译本。
NCB: New Century Bible 《新世纪圣经》
LCC:(Library of Christian Classes)
CLB:当代圣经译本(The Chinese Living Bible, CLB)
NASB:用纯粹直译方法(Strictly Literal)的译本

