

技术分析师W.D.甘恩强调,不但价格波动的幅度有影响力,波动的持续时间亦相当重要。 甘恩角(Gann angles)是技术分析师以市场价格的高点或低点画出趋势线的特定角度。最重要的甘恩角为45度,因45度线代表了价格和时间的最佳配合。45度线中断通常意味着重大的趋势反转。


Technical analyst W.D. Gann emphasized the proportionate influence of the time and duration of market movements as well as the influence of the size of price movements. Gann angles are specific angles used by technical analysts to draw trendlines from market price tops or bottoms. The most important Gann angle is the 45-degree line because it is seen as the perfect balance between time and price. A major reversal is usually indicated by a break of the 45-degree line.

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