名义国内生产总值(nominal GDP)是未经价格变动调整的产值,按当时的市场价格计算。 实际(real)国内生产总值则是扣除了价格变动因素的产值,以某一基准年的价格计算。联系实质与名义产值的就是GDP价格平减指数,该指数是正式的通货膨胀指标之一。 若实际产出不变,但价格持续上升,名义GDP亦会上升。
GDP Deflator的英文解释
A price index
applied to the cash or nominal estimates of gross
domestic product in order to produce a more
accurate or 'real' value of GDP. Deflators remove the effects of inflation, which boosts the nominal value of GDP but does not change the
underlying real level of output.